Very strange that some PTI supporters also support Zaid Hamid !!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
He has clearly answered all such queries on his aqeedah and deen in the latest progam with that Tahir "cherbi-ka-drum" ashrafi. Even ashrafi said that he has got his answer. Now, if anyone doesnt want to believe "then that is HIS personal problem" (bigsmile)

The truth is out there, Zaid Hamid is making millions of fans because of his love for the Pakistan and Islam in general. :)

Its a pity that during all this discussion no one mentions his beliefs. Being a Muslim I am Muslim first and Pakistani later. I am not talking about non Muslims but they all dislike him anyways as well. If someone professes the love for our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad pbuh the I would refrain from anyone who I think may be related to any kazzab. Here you guys have this idiot who does not say anything against his kazzab nabi. Some times he claims that yusuf never called himself a nabi then at other times he says he left yusuf before yusuf called himself a nabi (on both occasions he has been caught lying). Another thing tell me what are you guys when are thinking when a a person with no knowledge or any formal training of any military organization comes out and becomes a security analyst not only that he is supposed be senior analyst? Tell me one one hand you say ISI the best in the world and then you hear this joker who says he writes security papers for ISI. Not only that according to him he is the ONLY one who is defending Pakistan? What with him sitting in his bedroom and getting his photographs taken wearing camo gear and printing posters showing him to Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi you think he is the one who is defending Pakistan? If this is correct then why would you need the Army and ISI? Please wear you thiming cap if not for your self then for Pakistan and if not for that then for heaven's sake do it for the love of the Holy Prophetpbuh.


Councller (250+ posts)
ہاتھی کے دانت ، کھانے کے اور دکھانے کے اور

اس بچارے لال ٹوپی مسخرے کا کیا قصور جس کام کی تنخواہ ملتی ھے جتنی تنخواہ ملتی ہے وہ اتنا ھی بک بک کرتا ھے ، اس چٹیا والے مسخرے کو تو رافضیت، مسلمانیت، اور وطنیت کا ادراک بھی نہیں سب کا مغلوبہ بنا کے پاکستانیت کی آڑ میں ٹوپی ڈرامے کا دفاعی تجزیہ کار بنا پھرتا ھے،
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President (40k+ posts)
Why do your politicians need Guarantors ?? ...You only get a service when you ask for it ? ..are they not man enough for themselves ??:lol:

Yes, they are not man enough by themselves....

That's why they needed to be "propped up", because
spineless, and corrupt civilians suits them quite well!!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I was talking about the politicians, that WHY do they need Guarantees ?? ..:lol: ...And even if they did, after they have come into power why do they get involved in corrupt scandals ?? :lol::lol: ..Is that also the fault of the generals ??

Why dont they turn the tables by showing some good governance so that their stooges like you can actually refute the generals ?? :lol::lol:

Yes, they are not man enough by themselves....

That's why they needed to be "propped up", because
spineless, and corrupt civilians suits them quite well!!!!


President (40k+ posts)
I was talking about the politicians, that WHY do they need Guarantees ?? ..:lol: ...And even if they did, after they have come into power why do they get involved in corrupt scandals ?? :lol::lol: ..Is that also the fault of the generals ??

Why dont they turn the tables by showing some good governance so that their stooges like you can actually refute the generals ?? :lol::lol:

Hate to call them leaders, or politicians as they are nothing but
SHOE polishers of establishment as they are completely dependent on their overt and covert support....

They are there to make money, and
establishment like it that way as they remain under their "BOOTS".
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What your telling me is the disease, when I want to know the symptoms ! :)

Why do they do this is the question ??

Hate to call them leaders, or politicians as they are nothing but
SHOE polishers of establishment as they are completely dependent on their overt and covert support....

They are there to make money, and
establishment like it that way as they remain under their "BOOTS".


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Both are patriot's so there is is nothing strange about supporting both Zaid and PTI. This is not to say that IK and ZH don't have their differences, most importantly both want the very best for Pakistan. Even Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal disagreed on many issues, we have to look at the wider picture.


President (40k+ posts)
What your telling me is the disease, when I want to know the symptoms ! :)

Why do they do this is the question ??

If you select the worst students in a college, then
don't expect it to compete with Ivy league.....

Guess, who is the principal of our political college!!!!

Zaid hamid is right to some extent and we are supporting him because he is exposing the Indian agents and role in our media, as long as he is doing the right job, we will support him.

you said zaid is exposing indian agents, then zaid hamid also said that imran is very pro-india and he is promoting aman ki asha policy...

so according to you is imran also indian agent...??

have you read the following links..

have you read the following links where zaid hamid says that imran khan is pro-india and is promoting aman ki asha policy...?



may ALLAAH guide or destroy followers of two enemies of islaam, yusuf kazzaab and parvez musharraf..


Councller (250+ posts)
you said zaid is exposing indian agents, then zaid hamid also said that imran is very pro-india and he is promoting aman ki asha policy...

so according to you is imran also indian agent...??

have you read the following links..

have you read the following links where zaid hamid says that imran khan is pro-india and is promoting aman ki asha policy...?



may ALLAAH guide or destroy followers of two enemies of islaam, yusuf kazzaab and parvez musharraf..

I think you have not read my reply,,, I said he is right to some extent (as long as he or anyone can prove we should accept it)