The psuedo-intellectuals of our society


MPA (400+ posts)
HI guys,

I read this arcitle on Jang today and could not stop laughing. These kind of intellectuals who does ont have any knowledge and grasp of Islamic history just sew together events into something to support thier own points of view.

Read this article and figure out the kind of blunder that she had made.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes yes..the toofan e Nooh and man o salwa story...b ut maybe you should look at the actual point of the article instead of judging it on the basis of one slip of events...

sarbakaf - Blogger
events may not be rightly quoted , but the gist of article is ...WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR ACTIONS
we call for our destruction...its our actions which invite aazab or jaza ....


MPA (400+ posts)
events may not be rightly quoted , but the gist of article is ...WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR ACTIONS
we call for our destruction...its our actions which invite aazab or jaza ....

My friends, you are missing my point. When history is quoted, it is quoted to teach a lesson and show an example. One can not add multiple events to drive a lesson. I am sure she did not do it delibrately. She has no idea who ate man-o-salwa and why Qoom-e-nooh was punished. She is not tellig a bed time story to her kids, but writing an article in a national news paper. She should have done some research before making up stories.
So my point was, this is the situaiton of our intellectuals they do not have any idea about the stories that they quote. Actually, i wanted to write Psuedointellectuals throughout but the moderators did not like it. May be they also think that themselves are intellectuals.
