The effect of music vs. the Quran on an apple | Imagine what it does to your heart


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
When I started turning towards Islam in university, I was faced with the question of abstaining for music. It was a hard decision but I eventually took the plunge and gave it up. It wasnt an easy journey for me and I moved back to listening to music, then gave it up only to once again start it again. I finally gave it up completely Alhamdulillah over five years ago (May Allah help me stay on this path).

There are many who would argue that there is nothing wrong with music, it is just another gift of God, etc. The below just serves to confirm to me that my decision was indeed a wise one, an attempt to raise my level of Taqwa, an attribute that needs constant work from our part. As we enter the last ten days of Ramadan, we will need to start the struggle to continue the momentum of Ramadan. For indeed if we were to walk away from Ramadan without a positive change it would be a big travesty on our part. Your positive change could be giving up music. InshaAllah I hope the below will help you towards this change.

Ramadan Kareem and may Allah (SWT) accept our deeds and have this month serve as time for our forgiveness and for the shower of His mercy.


A few months back, the following email sent to the list serve of Al-Huda Canada was forwarded to another list I am on. The content of the email (reproduced below) was amazing.
Assalamoalaikum wrwb

Few weeks ago my daughter, who is in first grade had a science fair at her school. We decided to do an interesting experiment. Our Hypothesis was that listening to Quran has physical effects just like listening to music has physically visible effects. To prove our point we took an apple which also has 60-70 percent water content like human bodies. We cut the apple into half, put each half in a zip lock bag and then for seven days played Quran for one half of the apple and music to another half of the apple .. Both apples were kept on room temperature. The results were amazing and so our hypothesis was accepted.

In Quran Surah Luqman Allah(s.a.w) says:

And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allah, or the Verses of the Quran) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).(6)

In surah Yunus Allah SWT says about Quran:

O mankind! There hath come to you a admonition from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy. (57)

Please look at the attached pictures. The first picture is of the apple when it was freshly cut. Second picture is after 3 weeks of the experiment.

JazakAllah Khiaran

Shared By: Quanita Rizvi
Al Huda Institute, Canada

The above account was amazing. Thus, the staff at Reflections, a school in Karachi repeated the experiment to verify it. Below is the email sent by Asim Ismail, the Islamic curriculum head of the school.

For two weeks the teacher played music in front of half of an apple for 10 mins daily. While qirat was played in front of the other half for the same durationthe pictures speak for themselves (original pictures)the rotten half is the one which heard music, and the comparatively fresh one was made to listen to Qurans recitation SUBHANALLAH! one more amazing thing is the Quran apple has a good smell and the other one u can imagine.

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest

(Surah arRad 13:28)

SubhanAllah. May Allah help us to protect our hearts from corruption and to heal it with the remembrance of Allah (SWT) and the recitation of the Quran. Aameen.
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MPA (400+ posts)
Ridiculous hypothesis. So the researchers mean to say that listening to Quran reverts the effects of natural bio-degradation? The emphasis being on natural because Allah has programmed his creations to decay when dead in order to provide nutrients to the soil and continue with carbon and nitrogen cycles. Point being, that decaying cannot be compared to evil, because decay is an essential process to survival.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ridiculous hypothesis. So the researchers mean to say that listening to Quran reverts the effects of natural bio-degradation? The emphasis being on natural because Allah has programmed his creations to decay when dead in order to provide nutrients to the soil and continue with carbon and nitrogen cycles. Point being, that decaying cannot be compared to evil, because decay is an essential process to survival.

u might be right but for their experiment they needed something fresh and able to get decayed with passage of time. Y they chose Apple, was maybe co they say of the composition of water in it.The experiment in itself was just to show the effects, i don't think they are that much advance to have experimented on two live hearts to make it more realistic.Spending millions and billions on cars and homes and Ego's. The filthy rich muslims should spent their money to conduct such experiments in state of the art facilities.IF a tree tank kud weep when Prophet Peace be upon him leaves it when the proper place to sit was built in masjid to deliver sermon on jumma,i think there is nothing in it to wonder about.The process of decay is not never hindred by azan or recitation of quran cause its a natural process important for the continuation of human life.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What nonsense people are trying to portray....don't do something which is not done by Huzoor pbuh & his Sahaba :razi:.

This will give Satan an opportunity to misguide innocent people who don't understand all this.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Good thing this post wasn't in the science forum otherwise people won't take a second to discredit it. But since in a religious forum, we can let it slide. People can believe whatever they want to believe .


MPA (400+ posts)
Islam is a faith and we believe in it regardless of what recitation of Quran does to apple. It was on bbc news a few months back, that there are ppl who play classical music to plants, talk to them and sing lullaby in order to make the plants happy, just like little children. I couldn't help laughing at the absurdity of the idea but then again there are ppl who believe in it. so many time you would come across silly things like, someone finding Allah's name written on leaves or mohammad PBUH written in clouds!!!!! do you need all this to strengthen your Iman? I don't and I believe we shouldn't look for such evidences. Its pointless. there is plenty to ponder over in Quran.


Senator (1k+ posts)
"Lahwal Hadees" in surah Luqman does not mean music, it is someones interpretation that it means music. Moseeqa is arabic word for music and Mazarif is used in arabic for musical instruments.

Anyway, this experiment proves that if you listen to music, you will get heart attack and die in few weeks???? LOL. This is awesome science


Minister (2k+ posts)
useless matlab ager apple pay expersiment kamyab na hota to no believe on quran...
for god sake ..Quran is itself a miracle !!


Minister (2k+ posts)
The point is that music is haram...... And surely it has negative effects on ones body and brain and IMAN..... but I can see all the so called brainless moderate communist minded people jumping around like monkeys on every post which somehow portray Islam in a positive way.....

Ali raza babar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think posts like these do more harm then good. Matters of faith shouldn't be overly stretched out to things where it is not required. It leads to useless bickering and these kinds of unproven things are not required anyway for someone to believe or not.

Its not the matter of faith , Its the matter of Frequency ,
Sound , That holds every thing in its shape , its the frequency that Stops Decay.

Religious Chantings , Bells and Mantras have proven to have positive Vibes and Effects , You better research a little more on this , If you need any help i am here brother.

FA Malik

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Ridiculous hypothesis. So the researchers mean to say that listening to Quran reverts the effects of natural bio-degradation? The emphasis being on natural because Allah has programmed his creations to decay when dead in order to provide nutrients to the soil and continue with carbon and nitrogen cycles. Point being, that decaying cannot be compared to evil, because decay is an essential process to survival.
We can say the listening to Holy Quran does not reverts the effects of decay but it delays the process of decomposition. The Quran apple had effects of decay, but it will take longer to rot as compare to music apple.

FA Malik

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Where are you getting this fake science man???

You are just wrong. There is no effect of any kind of sound on natural decay and it slowness or reversing.

Who taught you that? Do you have any verified source for it? Please don't share fake website informations. Show me some book.
Dear, I have nothing to prove. I was just trying point out what is being described in the original thread. You are free to make your own conclusions.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اصل چیز اس کلام پاک پر عمل کرنا اور اس پیغام حق و ہدایت کو آگے پونہچانا ہے مگر آج کل روٹی، ٹماٹر، گوشت، جانور پر عظیم ہستیوں کا نام اور اب سیب اس کلام الہی کی تصدیق کے لئے پیش کیا گیا ہے وہ بھی ال خدا والی مولون کی جانب سے. نا جانے سارے شیخ اور شکیخنیاں کینڈا ہی کیوں اکھٹے ہو رہے ہیں
