Starvation will kill us first before Corona...


Councller (250+ posts)
رام گلی امرتسر کے دلّے کے پوتوں کی مورتیاں بناکر
ھنو مان کی طرح پوجا پاٹ کرنے والے حرامجادے پٹواری، اور
اُسکے ھمنوا مافیا نے پاکستان، اور بھارت جیسے غربت میں پِسے ہوئے ملکوں میں
لاک ڈاؤن کو مذاق سمجھ رکھا ہے،، جہاں پر
ایسی آفت سے نمٹنے کے لئے سرے سے ادارے موجود ہی نہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is for all the people who challenged IK for not shutting down whole of Pakistan.

May god keep Pakistan and IK safe. It’s a miracle that Pakistan has such a wise, foresighted, benevolent, humanitarian PM.

How r u going to stop the spread of the virus if lockdown is not the solution?

Remember it is no more a case of 'travel history'. People with no travel history are infected and are infecting many more around them and the chain is getting bigger. How are you going to break this chain other than lockdown?

There is only 1

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
انڈین لاک ڈاون میں کوئی یکجہتی کی وجہ سے نہیں گئے بلکے موت کے ڈر سے گئے ہیں
ایک طرف پاکستان میں کام کرنے والوں کی لائن لگی ہے دوسری طرف انڈیا میں ضروریات زندگی پوری کرنے کے لئے بھی کوئی تیار نہیں


President (40k+ posts)
How r u going to stop the spread of the virus if lockdown is not the solution?

Remember it is no more a case of 'travel history'. People with no travel history are infected and are infecting many more around them and the chain is getting bigger. How are you going to break this chain other than lockdown?

60 to 80% are expected to get infected...

Chain will only be broken through Herd Immunity.
Lockdown will only hurt the economy without having any meaningful impact on COVID.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
if people educate themselves on physical distancing and sanitation no lock down is required

this shows Hindus terrorism nation India is one of the dump est nation on earth who does not under stand simple concept no wonder because thier leader is Modi harami


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
60 to 80% are expected to get infected...

Chain will only be broken through Herd Immunity.
Lockdown will only hurt the economy without having any meaningful impact on COVID.

I beg to differ. UK was trying to implement the herd immunity technique and left it half way and resorted to lockdown but it seems like it is going to be a tough task to contain the virus.

Regarding the economic repurcussions and impact on the spread of the virus, stats clearly show a decrease in the spread. Economy will hurt if the virus spread get out of hands and if it takes longer to contain or get rid of it at all.

There are ways around looking after not just the poor but for everyone regardless of rich and poor. If things get out of hand and shops are closed with no other supply of food and medicine then where would rich get it from?

Thankfully this is not a Racist virus as it does not descriminate between rich and poor. So this needs to be dealt with as a one nation and everyone has to look after each other


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How r u going to stop the spread of the virus if lockdown is not the solution?
Can you ensure that there is no social interaction during lock down and hence there is no resultant spread? How long this lock down will be in place? What is the exit strategy?

Lock-down is rationalized on the basis that it would DELAY THE EVENTUAL SPREAD of virus, (not that it will stop it). so that the existing health infrastructure is not over-burdened , and, thus, some lives of the elderly patients can be saved -- not all of them.

Much is unknown and lacking in understanding about the spread of the virus


President (40k+ posts)
I beg to differ. UK was trying to implement the herd immunity technique and left it half way and resorted to lockdown but it seems like it is going to be a tough task to contain the virus.

Regarding the economic repurcussions and impact on the spread of the virus, stats clearly show a decrease in the spread. Economy will hurt if the virus spread get out of hands and if it takes longer to contain or get rid of it at all.

There are ways around looking after not just the poor but for everyone regardless of rich and poor. If things get out of hand and shops are closed with no other supply of food and medicine then where would rich get it from?

Thankfully this is not a Racist virus as it does not descriminate between rich and poor. So this needs to be dealt with as a one nation and everyone has to look after each other

Lockdown will only be successful if done in a brutally aggressive manner, like in China...

Aggressive contact tracing and isolation through QR code turned out to be quite successful.

Most countries don't have the resources, technology, oppressive dictatorship or homogeneous population like China.

UK lockdown will not be successful, it was done for political purposes with no expected impact on the spread of COVID.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Can you ensure that there is no social interaction during lock down and hence there is no resultant spread? How long this lock down will be in place? What is the exit strategy?

Lock-down is rationalized on the basis that it would DELAY THE EVENTUAL SPREAD of virus, (not that it will stop it). so that the existing health infrastructure is not over-burdened , and, thus, some lives of the elderly patients can be saved -- not all of them.

Much is unknown and lacking in understanding about the spread of the virus
maybe hindus need to start accepting Bats as thier gods to have some relief

considering every other animal is thier god so might as well a bat


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Can you ensure that there is no social interaction during lock down and hence there is no resultant spread? How long this lock down will be in place? What is the exit strategy?

Lock-down is rationalized on the basis that it would DELAY THE EVENTUAL SPREAD of virus, (not that it will stop it). so that the existing health infrastructure is not over-burdened , and, thus, some lives of the elderly patients can be saved -- not all of them.

Much is unknown and lacking in understanding about the spread of the virus

I agree to the point that lockdown will not eradicate the virus completely but like you already said it will slow down the spread and paramedics and organization would have better strategy and more time to deal with it and that is solely the reason i am in favor of lockdown as at this moment of time there is no better strategy other than lockdown to break the chain.

I have two examples one from China and another from Italy. China swiftly contained it amd they are soon to get out of this crisis while Italy with their slower response God knows how long they will take and with what cost


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Lockdown will only be successful if done in a brutally aggressive manner, like in China...

Aggressive contact tracing and isolation through QR code turned out to be quite successful.

Most countries don't have the resources, technology, oppressive dictatorship or homogeneous population like China.

UK lockdown will not be successful, it was done for political purposes with no expected impact on the spread of COVID.

UK lockdown will not be successful, it was done for political purposes with no expected impact on the spread of COVID.

I will only answer this as i have not much info about China.

First of all we need to distinguish between a curfew and a lockdown. Whatever you have posted in this thread about Goa is not a lockdown but is curfew. I am absolutely not in favor of that in Pakistan not in any country. Secondly i am an eye witness of lockdown in UK. I travelled to Asda/Tesco in last 3 days about 2 times and no one stopped me or asked me where are you going. Traffic on the road was like if i am travelling around 2/3 am in the morning. With such a low traffic, shops are now able to implement the social distancing and this is one of the major plus points of lockdwn to break the chain and spread of the virus. Idea is simple i.e do not come out of your house if you absolutely not to

It has been like 2 days that they have implemented this so i would say it is too early to say whether it will be successful or not. We can talk about it after like 14 days to see the impact.

Same strategy/lockdown would be much more effective if implemented in Pakistan with the intent that it will force at least half of the population to think about social distancing measure


President (40k+ posts)
I will only answer this as i have not much info about China.

First of all we need to distinguish between a curfew and a lockdown. Whatever you have posted in this thread about Goa is not a lockdown but is curfew. I am absolutely not in favor of that in Pakistan not in any country. Secondly i am an eye witness of lockdown in UK. I travelled to Asda/Tesco in last 3 days about 2 times and no one stopped me or asked me where are you going. Traffic on the road was like if i am travelling around 2/3 am in the morning. With such a low traffic, shops are now able to implement the social distancing and this is one of the major plus points of lockdwn to break the chain and spread of the virus. Idea is simple i.e do not come out of your house if you absolutelywhnot to

It has been like 2 days that they have implemented this so i would say it is too early to say whether it will be successful or not. We can talk about it after like 14 days to see the impact.

Same strategy/lockdown would be much more effective if implemented in Pakistan with the intent that it will force at least half of the population to think about social distancing measure

When all said and done, serological test will answer the question of the effectiveness of a lockdown or a curfew.

My hunch is that, these extreme measures are more detrimental to the economy than helpful in curbing the disease.

These measures are only effective if done very early during the pandemic.

As they say, a stitch in time saves nine.
Now they are spending a pound for an ounce of cure!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
When all said and done, serological test will answer the question of the effectiveness of a lockdown or a curfew.

My hunch is that, these extreme measures are more detrimental to the economy than helpful in curbing the disease.

These measures are only effective if done very early during the pandemic.

As they say, a stitch in time saves nine.
Now they are spending a pound for an ounce of cure!!!

Dair ayed drust aayed. Although UK should have done long ago what they did two days ago but still they did not reach to the point of no return like Italy and US.

My point on economy abut this coronavirus is, the sooner it is contained, the better it would be for economy and for the country like Pakistan which is seen through a different lens than India, it would be disastrous if they take longer to come out of this crisis and they can come out quickly if the spread is contained swiftly


President (40k+ posts)
Dair ayed drust aayed. Although UK should have done long ago what they did two days ago but still they did not reach to the point of no return like Italy and US.

My point on economy abut this coronavirus is, the sooner it is contained, the better it would be for economy and for the country like Pakistan which is seen through a different lens than India, it would be disastrous if they take longer to come out of this crisis and they can come out quickly if the spread is contained swiftly

Containing the disease at this stage is like putting the toothpaste back into the tube...

COVID will automatically stop spreading once a certain threshold of infection is reached, but politicans of course will take the credit for their half hearted measures!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
Lockdown does not mean shut every thing down. Only non essential businesses are shut.

Food is a necessity. Lockdown is only to understand the magnitude of the problem and devise next steps while slowing down the spread of the virus. It is not a long term solution.

Countries that have been somewhat successful in containing the virus have done one of two things

1. Lockdown and massive testing
2. social distancing/stay home when required (this requires a lot more discipline from ppl) and massive testing.

Common factor is massive amount of testing. SK is a good example but not every country has this option available.


President (40k+ posts)
Lockdown does not mean shut every thing down. Only non essential businesses are shut.

Food is a necessity. Lockdown is only to understand the magnitude of the problem and devise next steps while slowing down the spread of the virus. It is not a long term solution.

Countries that have been somewhat successful in containing the virus have done one of two things

1. Lockdown and massive testing
2. social distancing/stay home when required (this requires a lot more discipline from ppl) and massive testing.

Common factor is massive amount of testing. SK is a good example but not every country has this option available.

Giving example of South Korea is like sending a patient from Mud Hut to the US for the treatment of stage-IV cancer.

Neither we can afford the treatment, nor expect the results that they have achieved.
Reason is on the tweet below!!!