Arslan Moderator Sep 9, 2014 #1 Featured Thumbs
P pkonline14 MPA (400+ posts) Sep 9, 2014 #2 Sirajul haq k saath tashrif rakhtay hain noora league k tattoo javed ch. Ye makar shakhs double game k chakar main rahta hai.
Sirajul haq k saath tashrif rakhtay hain noora league k tattoo javed ch. Ye makar shakhs double game k chakar main rahta hai.
A ASQR1 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 9, 2014 #3 Sirajn ul haq, be the one who sticks to the truth, and not play politics and try to side with lairs and Pakistan koi sharminda nahi hoga agar sach ko pehchan lia jaey or maan lia jaey.
Sirajn ul haq, be the one who sticks to the truth, and not play politics and try to side with lairs and Pakistan koi sharminda nahi hoga agar sach ko pehchan lia jaey or maan lia jaey.