Shahbaz Baig
MPA (400+ posts)
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I wish I could read, feeling so stupid right now.
This Urdu article wouldn't convey many of our participant to know the Importance and reality of BALUCHISTAN ???
jab log imran khan ki sun lete hain to is chawwal insaan ki bhi chawlay sun lo
i agree lot of people don't know reality of Gawadar Port and Baluchistan just like drkjke.... he said the writer Claims that afghan pak forces have daily cross border firing...:lol:... but he is wrong i did`nt see any statement wirtten that "afgahn pak forces have daily cross border firing" i think he can`t read urdu...:lol:
and my friend as many people don`t know about Gawadar Port Baluchistan.. They Also don`t know about Durand Line
This is a very serious topic which has created insurgency new economical and political situation in Pakistan ? Unfortunately, we have different category of people , educational background and their attentions ? Some are keen to write a comment which is not appropriate and others want to become experts. Neither their Urdu is good enough nor Urdu plus Roman Urdu and English is full of mistakes. Same has happened with this guy ? ( May Almighty Allah protect Pakistan, we would be entering in new development era. Thanks for the post).
yes sir it`s very serious article any visionary person can easily understand the bad circumstances of Root Problems in Pakistan "The Durand Line". which we need to eradicate first otherwise neither we can live with freedom nor we can Develop our Country.. as soon as possible we have to get rid of this situation
people don't do any search before writing these days.intellectuals are dime a dozen.this wrioter claims that afghan pak forces have daily xross border firing?actually this happens very very rarely.but seculars father and maata pitaa india daily now fires on pak troops but no one for making a berlin wall on duran line like seculars want.try this with all your might one will let you do this...this is not Kashmir and pakhtoons are not kashmiris that you divide them across the border,.any such effort will force pakhtoons who love Pakistan to seek balochistani peoples path also...but may be our secular rulers and generals want that Pakistan break?as per CIA plan for 2017