sex education is necessary in schools. Better to know about sex and its risks from a certified instructor than to go online and search for porn. Hypocracy again.
Yup, you are right. why not bring it inside the class room ? not all students have access to the internet. FBS
Yup, you are right. why not bring it inside the class room ? not all students have access to the internet. FBS
Sex education is not porn and porn is not sex education. Just curious if you know what sex education is and whether you had it on your school when you were little. Because I did and I think its very necessary and responsible. Other than this Parents also need to sit down with their children and and openly discuss this with their children once they hit puberty so they can behave in a safe and responsible manner and prevent bad things from happening in society.
look, just reread what you wrote. I am also in favour of the Educational part of something which is important in life, however, I am also aware that it is to open a can of worms to the people where 90% of our educated people sit on internet and watch what is strictly prohibit in our religion. On the other hand, it is important to teach some who needs to be taught ,but that has some age limit and the setting as well.In our tradition and our values, the sanity should prevail and the parents should fullfill their responsibilities. The nation is not a nation but acting as a crowd, and when you set a fire in to the crowd, many more people burn than survive. Don't repeat what others have experimented, but learn from their mistakes.
Alhamdulillah, I wasn't given a s e x education in class room setting but I turn out to be just fine.... Its in you what you want to accomplish in life.
This is un-necessary BULL **** when their are much more important topics to get our youngsters to study.
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