Reason U S Wants to Attack Iran and Pakistan after Afghanist


Senator (1k+ posts)
Why is war in Afghanistan and Pakistan in (certain) USA interests?
Unocal proposed building the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline to congress in 1998 to provide oil and natural gas to several Asian markets. Regardless of their stated intentions, they had to pull the ruling Taliban away from agreements they had with the Bridas Corp to convince them to sign on with Unocal instead (which eventually got backing from the US government). Enter Iran as the new kid on the block. They offered a pipeline to cross the southern part of Pakistan which would cover less harsh territory and cause far fewer tribal disputes over pumping oil and gas to India and Pakistan.

Hamid Karzai, Prime Minister of Afghanistan, was a top adviser to the El Segundo, California-based UNOCAL Corporation
Halliburton, proposed oil pipeline construction firm. Dick Cheney former head.

Condoleezza Rice, a former member of the board of Chevron,



JavaidKhan said:
US will never dare to attack Iran but it is already attacking Pakistan, what are drone attacks?

A "drone" is an unmanned aircraft.
They are flown by remote control from Nevada USA.

I've only recently started putting videos on youtube, and am glad to see they are circulating, although I was hoping they would circulate among more people in the west.
Apparently, due to our 'democracies' we are able to change the way our nation's leaders behave.

I can tell you that most people in Australia did not want to send our troops to Iraq and yet we did, even though it was a paltry number.
Perhaps Russia's Lennin was right when he said (something like) 'an election in a democratic state is nothing more than the right of the people to choose which party shall misrepresent them in that term of office'.

For more information on the proposed pipelines, see the link from my video description.
Although the article is from 2002 it does explain the allegiances of some of the personalities involved.