Raheel Sharif should not allow Islamabad to be run by politicians in the guise of local bodies elect


Minister (2k+ posts)
The courts of Pakistan have ordered local bodies election in Islamabad , they want this little city to fall into further anarchy . we do want corrupt CDA abolished though but not replaced by even more bigger thiefs.

Islamabad being capital must like Pindi withit not have too much politics ,both cities being controller cities of Pakistan , should be free of politics , I always opposed Islamabad or potohar province as local bodies election bring in villager chiefs of of surrounding areas to be elected and their influence expands to rest of Pakistan . They try to oust settlers from big posts and big properties , such elections or creation of province will strengthen local maliks against settlers even more .

CDA officials are worried as their hegemony ,bread and butter is threatened by this new body ,they want interior minister to block elections by some means .

In islamabad every thug every qabza group leader ,every corrupt lawyer and contractor expects to become billionaire by selling 'occupying and pro fitting from CDA land once the local bodies election are held in Pakistan .

Islamabad is one of the most poorly managed city with a high crime rate .Murders ,dacoties ,thefts are not reported as journalists are well fed , Police is not only corrupt but villager in origin and inept , CDA is one bunch of property dealers . prostitution culture in multistory flats is common .

If you walk near Aabpara you will see posters of certain Ajmal Baluch to represent us in local body of islamabad elections he is a former books shop sales boy , now he is qabza group leader , is involved in every crime , Last time he locked a civil judge in his chamber ,he has many FIRs against him and he is to represent Islamabadians .

You reach then F6 supermarket here there is photo of another trader rather shop keeper leader , his pictures are some years old , sometimes he mimics Anna harare , he has famous photo shop , his job is similar to Ajmal Baluch above , he too is standing , some of local islamabad ians might have noticed that there is a big staircase going to second floor Photoshop , this illegal external stair case is occupying public car park ,all this to show his supremacy .Not as low class as Ajmal Baluch above .

Numerous gentlemen are standing for G 7 and G 8 , someone swore to bear my own poster expenses and bring thirty hooligans at every meeting of mine provided I stand , I regretted and told them we prefer to open car doors of those who win . besides my effort is to bring martial law in the country , and get CDA abolished .
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Raheel Sharif should not allow Islamabad to be run by politicians inthe guise of local bodies elections .

I think better option is to have elections for 4 years and a tighter scrutiny on spending and projects. after 4 years , new elections will be much better.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Raheel Sharif should not allow Islamabad to be run by politicians inthe guise of local bodies elections .

Where is election commission who's job it is to not let Aqaba group or other involved in illegal activities stand up for elections. Where is police who's duty it is to not let these kinds to stand for elections.

For Allah' sake do your jobs election commission and police, one say you will have be standing in front of the Almighty.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Raheel Sharif should not allow Islamabad to be run by politicians inthe guise of local bodies elections .

ur wrong..local bodies election helps develop the area... there is no harm init... only nooras dont want that because then they will not have power on lower level...


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Raheel Sharif should not allow Islamabad to be run by politicians inthe guise of local bodies elections .

Raheel Sharif shouldn't be allowed to poke his nose into politics, let the civilian representatives decide no matter how bad they are.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Raheel Sharif should not allow Islamabad to be run by politicians inthe guise of local bodies elections .

Technically speaking; Raheel Sharif can not allow or disallow anything in the government. His pay cheque is signed by the secretary defense.
Although I respect our Army but you guys need to get your facts straight.
