R Rafat Ali Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 28, 2015 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11796351_487966528029197_3868377398091010535_n.jpg?oh=dc8342ba14ae498dff5cf69b75bf5ae6&oe=564D3703&__gda__=1447872187_c7d16c70719354e0997a73fae07e0f16
Pashaz PaTwarI Banned Jul 28, 2015 #2 Kabhee Shair per Muhr lagau kabhee Muk Mukka with PMLN Dil main jo hota hai lab pe aa he jata hai Freudian slip of tongue, lolz
Kabhee Shair per Muhr lagau kabhee Muk Mukka with PMLN Dil main jo hota hai lab pe aa he jata hai Freudian slip of tongue, lolz
F farhankhan1111 Senator (1k+ posts) Jul 28, 2015 #3 bayzat khan should retire from politics and should concentrate on his married life