Why you have to be sarcastic and lower the level of the debate each time I motivate myself to talk to you?
I am sorry about my attitude. I know I have a bitter way of saying things but please do believe me that I mean good from my heart. I am not a nasty person, but a bitter way of expression. I'm sorry again.
To clarify, love-child itself or fathering one is not the problem I have. To me many morality standards are subjective, based on culture / religion and this issue is one of them.
My problem is the hypocrisy of not owning you own offspring (love-child or regular kind). Not showing up to a paternity court (in a country where justice is fairly served). I knew about this issue from rumors in late 90s etc, but the matter was confirmed in 2004 when Jemima and IK adopted Tyrian to live with Jemima. Newspapers in UK can't legally take children's name or write about them, no matter how juicy the story, until they are 18. So when she turned 18, then Brit tabloids wrote one or two stories about it which IK never refuted and then the final proof was when Jemima admitted it via twitter (her real twitter account, and UK papers reported on that too).
So, before Jan 2011, I always gave IK benefit of the doubt thinking they were rumors. But when the proof came out, my image about him shattered. Still, it did not shatter that much that I feel he is unqualified as a leader - all it did was that it showed me that he is just like a regular normal person with normal lies and normal deceptions and normal compromises and normal bad decision like everyone else.
Just before May 2013 I lost all hope for IK on the mess he created over distributing candidacy. Yet I still voted for PTI, only because I believe that not voting is a "crime" and to chose the least bad option. At that time I still had hope from IK for a miracle, like when rain made us win the 1992 worldcup from 74 all out.
After results came out and he got KPK, my hope increased a little but more because I thought in 5-7 days, the GDP of one shop in Peshawar will overpass the GDP of USA & China combined.. but sadly, IK decided to do this now. So, at the moment my hopes with him are non-existent.
I hope this clears the question you had in your mind. Please do appreciate that I have sincerely tried to explain in detail and this is a sign of respect to you. Rest, please ignore my bitter-word choice.
I've asked this question to my dad and didn't get a reply. I was shocked because he is strong willed too. So, I'll ask you: If you claim to be a puritan who never compromises, and then paternity of a child become questionable with respect to you, would you then take a practically compromising decision of hiding the reality or would you accept that child publicly come what may?