Please stop these female anchors and their guests, singers and actresses wearing tight clothes and s

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
I notice that there is a new trend encouraged by TV moguls to wear western clothes on their appearances showing bare flesh of their arms, bosoms and legs to attract cheap male licentious attention. Please stop these female anchors, guests, singers and actresses wearing tight clothes and showing bare their female bodies.

It is so sad that these female anchors are encouraging western vulgarity and liberalism on their shows with a deliberate plan to undermine and discourage our Islamic way of life in the country. It is about time that decent minded Pakistanis stood up to this new vulgar, immoral. indecent and decadent western influence in our society through television media.
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Councller (250+ posts)
Men should respect the women decision of what she wears and try to control their own boneless flesh

Thats not how it goes in an Islamic Muaashra.. men are required to control their flesh and their eyes but women are also required to not wear such clothes or behave in such a way that makes men only attracted to their body flesh rather than their inner selves.. it goes same to both sides.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Mr.Saladin you will not find resonance for your ideas of modesty and propriety . Majority throughout history was fun orientated and near misguided , it is the effective minority which brings change . Organisations like Taliban and ISIL do not live on water and air , it is the errant element of society which blindly follows flesh and alcohol in whose reaction some men take to the danda and change things .

Controlling media in Pakistan is long overdue , force may be needed .


MPA (400+ posts)
فالتو وقت جنکے پاس ہوتا ہے وہ پہلے انکو دیکھتے ہیں پھر بعد میں کافی در ان پر سوچ سوچ کر دیماغی کلفت ایک تنقیدی تھریڈ کھول کر ہلکی کرتے ہیں . بھائی بہت سے اسلامی چینل ہیں جیسے کے پیس تی وی اور اسلامی بھائیوں کa میٹھا میٹھا چینل ان میں سے کوئی دیکھ لیا کرو کیوں مخصوص لباس والے چینل دیکھ کر خون جلاتے ہو


MPA (400+ posts)
They are not verbally preaching to others to wear the dress what they like. It's their choice, and they are not wearing it to be judged by you. Instead of deciding for them what to wear and what not, you better lower your gazes and do not watch such programs if you get offended by any means. Tune your tv to peace tv and other religious channels where you find modesty according to your thoughts. Let the people live in peace.

sarbakaf - Blogger
See the effect of media
most of people do not say that this vulgarity is wrong but they are suggesting that the thread starter should control himself , watch other channels etc.

This argument of theirs is like saying that let d-gos move any where and every where and you choose your path carefully

we have to stop those animal roaming in the street before it starts barking at every door


Minister (2k+ posts)
Most of us probably didn't even know what these people were wearing until you posted a thread and now everyone knows.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well the responsibility is on both sides.Women should not wear these half naked dresses and men should not watch them.Ask any Mufti ,he will tell you the same.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
When Allah (swt) ordered the believing men to lowered their Gaze,he did not say, oh women you go ahead and wear whatever you like,I have told the men to control themselves.
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See the effect of media
most of people do not say that this vulgarity is wrong but they are suggesting that the thread starter should control himself , watch other channels etc.

This argument of theirs is like saying that let d-gos move any where and every where and you choose your path carefully

we have to stop those animal roaming in the street before it starts barking at every door

In other words u want to bark at everyone's door .......... Just because u do not like their lifestyle !
For you your way and for them their way ........ is the only peaceful solution !
If a stray dog starts barking and biting others then others have a divine right to shoot such a mad dog!


MPA (400+ posts)
Although this is one of the major responsibility of the State to make sure Islamic values are up held in the State, when the State is corrupt and not full filling its responsibilities, then spectators must stop watching such shows, they completely run on TRP, true some are sponsored but they don't survive too long. The problem I see in us Pakistanis is that a very big majority makes fun of the fake degree Amir Liaqats show but watched it every day in Ramadan and simultaneously were making fun of it and cursing at him. How does this act ever bring the demand of the show down. Same thing with these morning shows, people are making fun of it and continuously watching to make more fun of it.


MPA (400+ posts)
There are number of Islamic channels in Pakistan ... Why u do not try them?

Have u seen anyone campaigning against religious channels?

This is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, you cannot complain on Islamic stuffs, you are welcomed to leave it or maybe somehow, if you have the power, to change the name and the constitution. The entire PEMRA laws are pretty aligned with Islamic Values, the only thing happening here is that like our other laws and its institutions, PEMRA is not implementing its regulations. Yay for the guy complaining, in this situation where Govt leadership is no longer fearing Allah, us spectators can just stop watching it as other alternatives are available.


The ONLY UGLY BITCHHHES,IS YOU, DIARREAH. We will nuke Endia, to control the rat eating urine drinking 1.2 billion ugly endians. Stfu.
