Pakistan and India in the eye of William Dalrymple


Senator (1k+ posts)
There is no legal immigration or permanent residence agreement betwen India / Pakistan. The only legal way to et permanent residence in India and Pakistan is marriage of peoples of two different countries. Illegal migration of millions of Muslims from India to Pakistan after 1951 is the truth written on walls.


Councller (250+ posts)
Whats Up Doc said:
You are right butshikan some states have this policy. In case of Orrisa Christians were accused of converting people by giving them financial incentives and using coerce methods. Therefore the Govt. decided once you change your religion you sign an affidavit witnessed by a Magistrate that you are changing religion without any financial rewards or coercion. Personally I don't have any problem with anyone accepting money for accepting a religion. your Embassy in New Delhi can disclose as to how many Indian Muslims have applied to reside in Pakistan permanently.

And you are convince k this law is not being abused ;)