Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignorance

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
The political elite of Pakistan never fails to promulgate this propaganda that democratic system is the only way forward for the stability and prosperity of this unfortunate country where they are sticking to its state of affairs like leaches. By sucking the vital resources and life blood of its (generous) donor masses this corrupt ruling elite has proven time and again that their only purpose of ruling is not working for the betterment of its less privileged populace but for their own ilk which has bifurcated this political system into a Pluto-aristocracy. The great Muslim polymath (and as a political philosopher as well) of middle ages (872-950 C.E) Abu Nasar Al Farabi has mentioned about the development of virtuous society and regime as the ultimate purpose of any political state in his important political treatises like The Virtuous City & Religion so that the ultimate happiness can be attained by its subjects and ruling elite alike.

In present day Pakistan instead of creating the viceregency and dominion of Allah SWT on this tract of land which our forefathers attained though the jaws of British colonialists under the threat of the impending hegemonic challenges of the dominant Hindu population has instead become a failed state, where the safety and security of its masses has become like a distant dream. This social and economic meltdown of Pakistan in recent years is a clear testament of the glaring negligence of its subjects in every sphere of life to help prevent this nosedive of Pakistans fortunes for decades now. The responsibility of its intellectuals, religious scholars and political elite is to be blamed for this misery the most and eventual losers of this impending debacle (To appear soon) would be again the citizens of this state. We have to come out of this regime of necessity and ignorance (In the verbatim of Al Farabi) to change the fortunes of our motherland and turned it to a living heaven as prescribed by the glorious forefathers of this Ummah according to the indelible methods of Holy Quran & Sunnah centuries ago.


Re: Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignoranc

This political system and its leaders have been choosen by the people of Pakistan by legitimate vote. We should learn to respect it.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignoranc

Bret Hawk said:
The political elite of Pakistan never fails to promulgate this propaganda that democratic system is the only way forward for the stability and prosperity of this unfortunate country where they are sticking to its state of affairs like leaches. By sucking the vital resources and life blood of its (generous) donor masses this corrupt ruling elite has proven time and again that their only purpose of ruling is not working for the betterment of its less privileged populace but for their own ilk which has bifurcated this political system into a Pluto-aristocracy. The great Muslim polymath (and as a political philosopher as well) of middle ages (872-950 C.E) Abu Nasar Al Farabi has mentioned about the development of virtuous socie3ty and regime as the ultimate purpose of any political state in his important political treatises like The Virtuous City & Religion so that the ultimate happiness can be attained by its subjects and ruling elite alike.

In present day Pakistan instead of creating the viceregency and dominion of Allah SWT on this tract of land which our forefather attained though the jaws of British colonialists under the threat of the impending hegemonic threats of the dominant Hindu population has instead become a failed state instead where the safety and security of its masses has become like a distant dream. This social and economic meltdown of Pakistan in recent years is a clear testament of the glaring negligence of its subjects in every sphere of life to help prevent this nosedive of Pakistans fortunes for decades now. The responsibility of its intellectuals, religious scholars and political elite is to be blamed for this misery the most and eventual losers of this impending debacle (To appear soon) would be again the citizens of this state. We have to come out of this regime of necessity and ignorance (In the verbatim of Al Farabi) to change the fortunes of our motherland and turned it to a living heaven as prescribed by our glorious forefathers of this Ummah according to the indelible methods of Holy Quran & Sunnah centuries ago.

very true bret bhai with exception, and I beg to differ

1. Pakistan is NOT a failed state. the govt is and its leaders are. InshaAllah they will soon be history. We are just going thru a tatheer process beacuse of our sins.

2. Democracy is the worst form of govt, in that, it suppressed the genuinely qualified people from hold offices because they do not have ticket of th epolitical party to run for office. I often call democracy as DEMOCRAZY, meaning a combination of DEMAGH and KHRABI, Dimagh ki kharabi. It allows a garoh to rule a country bringing in corrupt unqualified, and untalented people in the parliament.

Hazrat Umar (ra) never had any party and ran the best system with justice for all, economic boom and protection of minorities.

Frankly brothe, democracy is for white masses and Christians because they have nothing to look forward to in the life hereafter.

Also, even white masses such as UK, US, Canada, Europe, etc do not have democracy. The people in these countries are not allowed to share their opinions against Israel or against the 'democratic' system of govt. I justifiably call these countries 'convenient countries' because of the convenience of carrying out daily routine in life.

Examples are, just pick up the phone to get a taxi at your door, or shop using credit cards etc. Unrestricted sexual contacts with the slogan 'You got bottle by the neck and woman by the waist'.......

well I could go on and on

Khilafat is the ONLY way for us. DEMOCRAZY is for the white masses

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignoranc

Thanks GM bro for you valuable input and I must reiterate this point here that the ultimate objective of any reasonable / good political system of a country is to achieve the blessings of Allah SWT and this cant be done by following the blessed methodology of Prophet PBUH and his Khulafa-E-Rashideen (The rightly guided successors of Prophet PBUH). When I look to the successful models of this political system (Democracy) in the so called developed world personally I dont feel any pride and sense of admiration. Over their the western political thought has given this lethal doze of independent individuality who is not scare of questioning even their own parents on the issues of self discipline and self righteousness. The same sense of this un-reined liberalism and arrogance laden individuality has precipitated in our eastern cultures as well. The lethal results of which we are witnessing now in our societies in the shape of unbridled following of materialism, debauchery, disrespectfulness for any authority and blind following of selfs base propensities.

Needless to say the price of that moral degradation and ethical corruption has caused this huge unrest and uneasiness among our family members nowadays forget about creating the universal brotherhood of Muslim Ummah on worldly basis. Therefore we should feel no anger and frustration when our enemies taunt this fickle word (Because of denying its basic composition) of Ummah which seems to have no physical presence at all among the Muslims of this world. A new spirit has to be blown here in to the semi dead body of this Ummah by restoring the true sense of Allah SWTs dominion in those pieces of world which are under the ownership of current Muslim countries. Because only these stable political systems then can achieve the purpose of unity and cooperation of Muslim Ummah in manifold ways. Right now we are all concerned to fulfil our own selfish necessities and wants to become self sufficient and still that stage has yet to be achieved by the citizens of Pakistan. Purpose and meaningful driven political system is the only way forward now to establish the rule of Allah SWT on this earth which can lead to the destruction of every fake and exploitative systems of this world which are very much prevalent and claimed to be the saviour of mankind.

P.S: I havent seen such kind of blatant lies and deception in the name of liberality and progressiveness by this corrupt political and economic system of this world which is serving only its tiny affluent ethnic classes. United Muslim Ummah is only the answer to quell all of these ills. The purpose of a perfect political order of Pakistan should be based to achieve those guiding principles which has been alluded to in above paragraphs.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignoranc

Bret Hawk said:
Thanks GM bro for you valuable input and I must reiterate this point here that the ultimate objective of any reasonable / good political system of a country is to achieve the blessings of Allah SWT and this cant be done by following the blessed methodology of Prophet PBUH and his Khulafa-E-Rashideen (The rightly guided successors of Prophet PBUH). When I look to the successful models of this political system (Democracy) in the so called developed world personally I dont feel any pride and sense of admiration. Over their the western political thought has given this lethal doze of independent individuality who is not scare of questioning even their own parents on the issues of self discipline and self righteousness. The same sense of this un-reined liberalism and arrogance laden individuality has precipitated in our eastern cultures as well. The lethal results of which we are witnessing now in our societies in the shape of unbridled following of materialism, debauchery, disrespectfulness for any authority and blind following of selfs base propensities.

Needless to say the price of that moral degradation and ethical corruption has caused this huge unrest and uneasiness among our family members nowadays forget about creating the universal brotherhood of Muslim Ummah on worldly basis. Therefore we should feel no anger and frustration when our enemies taunt this fickle word (Because of denying its basic composition) of Ummah which seems to have no physical presence at all among the Muslims of this world. A new spirit has to be blown here in to the semi dead body of this Ummah by restoring the true sense of Allah SWTs dominion in those pieces of world which are under the ownership of current Muslim countries. Because only these stable political systems then can achieve the purpose of unity and cooperation of Muslim Ummah in manifold ways. Right now we are all concerned to fulfil our own selfish necessities and wants to become self sufficient and still that stage has yet to be achieved by the citizens of Pakistan. Purpose meaning driven political system is the only way forward now to establish the rule of Allah SWT on this earth which can lead to the destruction of every fake and exploitative systems of this world which are very much prevalent and claimed to be the saviour of mankind.

P.S: I havent seen such kind of blatant lies and deception in the name of liberality and progressiveness by this corrupt political and economic system of this world which is serving only the tiny affluent ethnic classes of this world. United Muslim Ummah is only the answer to quell all of these ills. The purpose of a perfect political order of Pakistan should be based to achieve that ultimate purpose which has been alluded in above paragraphs.

I am sure you meant can NOT can't

I agree 100%, hence i support khilafat ssytems of the govt. We have already witnessed that western systems brings people to economic slavery and moral bankruptcy.

Lest go to Pak and register a party Khalifa Party, and be honest to Alla, rassol (s.a.w) and Pakistani masses.....

My top priority would be eradication of corruption, re-establishment of law n order, provide free and quick justice, economic boom by removing the riba system. I will leave the defence, and foreign affairs with you if you would like to be a wazeer in my khilafah? What do you say, deal??


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignoranc

Very well said Bret.The so called democracy is not even working in the west where it was invented.Prime Example USA,where the system is hijack by a tiny minorty with money and power.Pakitan is not a failed state,dont go by these fancy western media invented terms.If you are talking about failed state,what about Russia,Argentina,Mexico,Neuseeland in 1982,Iam just counting you countries which offically declared banktrupcy and started from ZERO with new cruncy.I can give you more examples.Pakistan have not fallen to this stage yet.Inshallah she will rise again.Lot of times Allah(swt)ways of doing things,is totaly above human immagination.LONG LIVE IFTQAR MOHAMMAD CHAUDRY.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Pak Political System: The Regime of Necessity & Ignoranc

Bushman said:
Very well said Bret.The so called democracy is not even working in the west where it was invented.Prime Example USA,where the system is hijack by a tiny minorty with money and power.Pakitan is not a failed state,dont go by these fancy western media invented terms.If you are talking about failed state,what about Russia,Argentina,Mexico,Neuseeland in 1982,Iam just counting you countries which offically declared banktrupcy and started from ZERO with new cruncy.I can give you more examples.Pakistan have not fallen to this stage yet.Inshallah she will rise again.Lot of times Allah(swt)ways of doing things,is totaly above human immagination.LONG LIVE IFTQAR MOHAMMAD CHAUDRY.

Pak will not default but can not prosper either if current govt stays in power.

We can achieve prosperity quickly if we
1. withdraw from UN....
2 Dump IMF
3 cancel all the debts and do not pay back because all of the aids were given for their national interests to buy our corrupt, ghaddar and brainless leaders
4 Withdrawing from IMF, UN will not affect us adversely as they need us mor ethan we need them. If we had enough gust to do this, westerners and specially IMF/Worldbank owners, Rothschild will come on their knees to use to get more laons so they can make interest. You see, we have the devine book to follow and no matter how mcuh we have fallen, we CAN spring back, thanks to the Qur'an and Sunnah
