Organization of Islamic Conference is dead now


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Shah Faisal, Bhutto & Gaddafi made OIC in 70s and while Shah Faisal was assassinated in 1975 then Bhutto was assassinated in 1977, yet Gaddafi is killed in 2012. Organization of Islamic Conference is dead now.



Minister (2k+ posts)
OIC was established in 69 Bhutto came to power in 71,he was not among the founders.

In one of his rallies he asked the people if Pakistan should recognise Bangladesh the people said:No,No.
Then he said ok to hell with them.

Then to fool the people he called the OIC meeting in Lahore,invited Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rahman and recognised Bangladesh.
And the fools think he was a hero of muslim world


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Although OIC was founded on 25th of September 1969, but its member states only grew in number in 70's with the efforts of Shah Faisal, Ghaddafi and Bhutto to become biggest organization after United Nations.

Name of Organization of Islamic Conference has changed to Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). So real OIC is dead now.

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Bhutoo only did 2 things one he makes people of pakistan fool and second he used muslim ummah to pretend to be their leader but he was failed the reason of that is simple a lier and drinker can never be a leader of any nation or religous group.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
OIC was non effective in every way unable to solve even one problem. It was just a meeting point for useless Muslim leaders to share tea and biscuits, good riddance.
