Only INQELAAB (revlolution) can bring any change in poor's l


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Only INQELAAB (revlolution) can bring any change in poor

It is easy to show the dark side of any society sitting in News room with nice warm cup of coffee and a nice mothly pay check.Why dont they go out with hidden,or open Camras to expose this corupt,lazy officershahi culture of pakistan.


Re: Only INQELAAB (revlolution) can bring any change in poor

?????? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? .
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Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Only INQELAAB (revlolution) can bring any change in poor

No my Friend It is so easy to talk,talk,talk in a nice clean news rooms.What revolution,Now dont scare us,now you mean thousends of head have to roll.No ,No No...........Not in pakistan.Dont even think about it.


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Only INQELAAB (revlolution) can bring any change in poor

We got Alhamdulillah 180 million poor Suckers in pakitan.Not only that,the good thing is that each and every one thinks he got the salution and all the others are his enimies,and I mean enemy based on Religous grupping,Language,Province,Cast,Richpoor,Local Muhajar,so on and so forth.Revolutions dont come like this.First this need to unite on one single base.The Enimies of pakistan and the Muslims in genral,will make sure we DO NOT UNITE,doesnt matter how much it cost .


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Only INQELAAB (revlolution) can bring any change in poor

the Ellette class of Pakistan forcing for Civil war ,if we have to die from hunger why not die in ?