Obama Wants to Destroy Pakistan in 4 Parts


MPA (400+ posts)
Zulfiqar Mirza. Zardari these people are helping to USA,but pakistani nation is sleeping.When pakistan finish then wake up.Tolate.


MPA (400+ posts)
yes its 100% true as we seen what US did in African and Middle east countries

Who gave weapons to libiyan civilians ? to destroy Kadafi gov Its USA

and here in Pakistan they are supporting our corrupt politicians with $ to destroy and dissolve nuclear power

and it seems they will succeed soon(cry)


MPA (400+ posts)
this is there wish but ALLAH the almighty has decided something else.this war is the basis of gazwa tu hind as the prophet mentioned in his hadiths that an army of muslims from this part of the region will succeede in the last war and shall go to contantinople now called ankra the capital of turkey and joined with the muslim armies there and they conquer yeroshalam(bait ul makadus).so let them do what they want to do as this war is just started and it will go to long distances one day and america will be torn in to more than 55 pieces.