NGO would Defalcate (misuse) 50 % of Foriegn Funds..........Says Corrupt PM


President (40k+ posts)
NGO would Defalcate (misuse) 50 % of Foriegn Funds.............Says Corrupt PM

It means Foriegn Funds should be given to Corrupt Gilani and Zardari, which would Defalcate the whole fund and would be used for buying More Suite (Cost from 3000 to 7000 GBP) in Harald (London) and Flates in London.

Still these Morons don't realise why forieng countries don't trust them.

Shame on you, you Fake and Ayaash Pir Sahib.



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
pls donot call yuosaf raza a pir, he is and his some predesassors were working for birtish RAJ ,in 1857 freedom struggle and war with birtish, they were with birtish. they killed many freedom fighters. look in to the history of 1857 .

sarbakaf - Blogger
shai baat hai...
PM is absolutely right...they eat away 50 % of money ....what PM wants it to give all that money to govt who will eat 100% of it.
after all ....bakhtawar and bilawal ke aayeshi kay liay paisa lagta hai na ggg


MPA (400+ posts)
bus power me rehna hai or hisab bi ab dena hai. pasiay hi nei ho ge to power kesi??????


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
No doubt PM is just an idiot like anybody. His statement is very controversial at this stage of time. But keep in mind the NGO's supported by christian missionaries and Zionist Governments has always done a great harm to the ideology of ISLAM. They have always tried to change the social structure and mind set of the common man in Pakistan. One of the Cases in point is "Mercy Corp" in Baluchistan. These type of NGOs do consume 50% of aid amount in their operational costs and rest of the funds are used to advance their hidden agenda.

I strongly feel that NGOs of Muslim countries should be trusted at this testing time on the nation.


MPA (400+ posts)
NGO would Defalcate (misuse) 50 % of Foriegn Funds..........Says Corrupt PM
NGO would Defalcate (misuse) 50 % of Foriegn Funds.............Says Corrupt PM



Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I believe CSO’s have done a great job in Pakistan whether it was the 2005 earthquake or fighting the militants along with the public and army. CSO’ have been vital in restoring democracy in Pakistan. Agreed that transparency and accountability should be for all.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Corrupt Gilani and Zardari Corrupt Gilani and ZardariCorrupt Gilani and ZardariCorrupt Gilani and Zardari

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
The statement of Premier Gillani is being reported out of context, The Ngo’s have been instrumental in relief work and they have established systems of transparency
