Naji saab has spealt it out with whom the responsibility lies to make policy and pass laws to bite the heads of the anti pakistan terror groups.
The nooras wants to involve all who don't have the mandate, to bear the burden if their policies and actions FAIL! it will spell out as sucide for them, to go it ALONE AS THE GOVERNMENT.
The government has two third majority,they should get on with the job or tell the nation that the job is bigger then them, all this pussy footing for the last five years and telling the people they have the answers .three months of inaction ,is the proof that nooras and the pp peers HAD or have no answers to combat the terror being imposed on the nation by people with anti pakistan agenda.
A bunch of misguided paid religious factions, FORIEGN terror lovers and sadists, criminals,highjackers, kidnappers,and genetic criminals have all joined hands and milked the country for their own betterment and agendas and it's no secret that the political parties have had their hands joined with these criminals in the name of religion or easy funding for there political strengths.
It through their political strengths they have been milking the sacred cow and at times milked even their own bulls?