New Horizon - Pakistan 1960


MPA (400+ posts)
Dont know what language this guy is speaking. but this is how our Pakistan used to look like in 60s. Enjoy!!

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Amazing videos. Thanks for sharing.

The question after watching them is, "What went wrong?"


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Amazing videos. Thanks for sharing.

The question after watching them is, "What went wrong?"

Simple answer - anything that could go wrong, went wrong!

I think that you could produce a few dozen PhD theses just analyzing as to what really went wrong.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Amazing videos. Thanks for sharing.

The question after watching them is, "What went wrong?"

Some thing was going wrong then two axes gone wrong named yehya and bhutoo....

Then Zia ul haq went wrong and now this zia ul haq tree has become adult and giving its fruits and we are enjoying its sweet fruits.


[SIZE=2Then cities seemed clean and life was simple and full with hope and grace. Now we turned out to be huge crowd willing to lose for nothing. And most important of all, life has turned an ungraceful business and shadowed with disgrace and distress. May souls of our elders have mercy on our lives. Hopelessness - is single word that can portray us fully. We have no clue, where we heading to.[/SIZE]


MPA (400+ posts)
No nation wants to go back to their older days but I feel like those older days were way better than these days. :(


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
No vision and wrong leadership is what went wrong. Good news is that i sincerely believe that great times are ahead of us.
