What , not actually.
It made me go into depression. Its not nice to realise that the country you migrated to save yourself from clutches of corrupt....happens to be another klpetocratic state.
in 2020, rather unsurprisingly, HSBC investigated me when I brought over 10000 GBP from some sale in Pakistan...I lashed out at them , but thats a story for another day.
Since, then I have been studying and analyising British Politics. Trust me , it is just as corrupt as Pakistan. They have same NS, Mariyams, Aurgzeb, Rana Sana, corrupt judges, corrupt police....the only difference is British people are deluded and beleive that they live in a great honest state...the level of corruption is same template, the scale is smaller.
The only way out, is that Pakistanis crowdfund now, pay to contractors like BlackWater or Wagner Group and make life miserable for NS in London....that is the only way out.