There are a few things which Nawaz Sharif has to mentally accept if there is to be even a minor chance of his completing his five year turn.
He must first accept that he is now older and less active and less agile , so he should deputize others to do the tasks .
He must accept mentally that his and Shehbaz sharif progeny is not serious leadership stuff , their calibre at best seems to be of an MPA or provincial or federal minister of state . They are not PM type stuff yet and they are not improving much either.
He must mentally accept that there is a world outside parliament and those who ignored them as Mursi did in Egypt are now in dungeons waiting for death penalties . Bhutto also ignored street forces in 1977 and is now a tomb .
He must accept that his team of ministers are unimpressive , not skillful in the job and atleast 50 % of federal and provincial cabinet mst be of technocrat ,or other skillful people. People like Asif , Saad Rafiq, Abid sher are not really skilled for jobs they occupy.
He must improve percentage of proper urban background people in top jobs in urban police , urban judiciary and urban municipal services.Appointing rural lot in metropolitan cities has not worked .
He should discourage governmental Bharti culture , he should discourage tax and spend culture promoted unwisely by Imran khan and similar novices.Private enterprise should be encouraged.
He should allow private sector to enter Railways by allowing usage of state rail lines , he must open Airlines ,electricity and natural gas distribution directly to public and remove monopoly of WAPDA ,Railways and CAA .
He should encourage banks to enter in food distribution and supermarket business and housing business to stabilize prices .
He must take interest in agriculture and appoint some proper senior civil servants and experts .
He must stop appointing long line of kashmiri khawajas as senior civil servants .
He should forget Mushraf ever existed even though later is charged with funding Qadri .Musharaf never intended to leave Pakistan and army's hospitals medical reports were confusing .This was a trap.
He should not try to emulate PPP politics and should not prefer PPP or liberalism otherwise a new conservative Islamic party can always be made which will sideline both PMLN and JI in one go , it will be a very well funded party and experienced people are thinking about it .
He should not give too much lease to existant judiciary , which is a root cause of lawlessness and reduce retirement age of all judges to 60 years . Judges like iftikhar chaudahry , Nasir ul Mulk , Jaw ad Khawaja, Saqib Nisar , Kasi , Siddiqui are anti justice and antilaw and order stuff with political makeup .He should be beware of machinations of saqib nisar.
He should tread carefully on china issue. china should not be able to use Pakistan against India for next 50 years as Bhutto arranged it , nor should we compromise on religious freedoms of Chinese Muslims but we should not ignore or antagonize it .An antagonistic USA cannot do so much damage as China .
He should try harder to maintain good relations with Muslim countries .
He should review Pakistan's kashmir policy and not ride on agency or UN resolution based views , a fresh countrywide consultation is needed . New ideas are needed.
He should fund education and health more seriously .
He must order serious investigations into energy sector to rule out grand mafias fleecing on really massive scale .There are reports of private energy producers getting payment for non supplied electricity .
He should regulate media and suppress TV channels who offer culturally non suitable programms and educational content be stregthened .
Scholarship for students should be liberal , start from class 1 and should go till Phd, funding for above 70 , disabled , orphaned and resourceless women is a must and subsidy removal of loss making state enterprise will provide the requisite 300bilions for this mega social welfare gesture .
He must first accept that he is now older and less active and less agile , so he should deputize others to do the tasks .
He must accept mentally that his and Shehbaz sharif progeny is not serious leadership stuff , their calibre at best seems to be of an MPA or provincial or federal minister of state . They are not PM type stuff yet and they are not improving much either.
He must mentally accept that there is a world outside parliament and those who ignored them as Mursi did in Egypt are now in dungeons waiting for death penalties . Bhutto also ignored street forces in 1977 and is now a tomb .
He must accept that his team of ministers are unimpressive , not skillful in the job and atleast 50 % of federal and provincial cabinet mst be of technocrat ,or other skillful people. People like Asif , Saad Rafiq, Abid sher are not really skilled for jobs they occupy.
He must improve percentage of proper urban background people in top jobs in urban police , urban judiciary and urban municipal services.Appointing rural lot in metropolitan cities has not worked .
He should discourage governmental Bharti culture , he should discourage tax and spend culture promoted unwisely by Imran khan and similar novices.Private enterprise should be encouraged.
He should allow private sector to enter Railways by allowing usage of state rail lines , he must open Airlines ,electricity and natural gas distribution directly to public and remove monopoly of WAPDA ,Railways and CAA .
He should encourage banks to enter in food distribution and supermarket business and housing business to stabilize prices .
He must take interest in agriculture and appoint some proper senior civil servants and experts .
He must stop appointing long line of kashmiri khawajas as senior civil servants .
He should forget Mushraf ever existed even though later is charged with funding Qadri .Musharaf never intended to leave Pakistan and army's hospitals medical reports were confusing .This was a trap.
He should not try to emulate PPP politics and should not prefer PPP or liberalism otherwise a new conservative Islamic party can always be made which will sideline both PMLN and JI in one go , it will be a very well funded party and experienced people are thinking about it .
He should not give too much lease to existant judiciary , which is a root cause of lawlessness and reduce retirement age of all judges to 60 years . Judges like iftikhar chaudahry , Nasir ul Mulk , Jaw ad Khawaja, Saqib Nisar , Kasi , Siddiqui are anti justice and antilaw and order stuff with political makeup .He should be beware of machinations of saqib nisar.
He should tread carefully on china issue. china should not be able to use Pakistan against India for next 50 years as Bhutto arranged it , nor should we compromise on religious freedoms of Chinese Muslims but we should not ignore or antagonize it .An antagonistic USA cannot do so much damage as China .
He should try harder to maintain good relations with Muslim countries .
He should review Pakistan's kashmir policy and not ride on agency or UN resolution based views , a fresh countrywide consultation is needed . New ideas are needed.
He should fund education and health more seriously .
He must order serious investigations into energy sector to rule out grand mafias fleecing on really massive scale .There are reports of private energy producers getting payment for non supplied electricity .
He should regulate media and suppress TV channels who offer culturally non suitable programms and educational content be stregthened .
Scholarship for students should be liberal , start from class 1 and should go till Phd, funding for above 70 , disabled , orphaned and resourceless women is a must and subsidy removal of loss making state enterprise will provide the requisite 300bilions for this mega social welfare gesture .
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