I thought you had better things to do.
Brother, I do have better things to do, without shadow of any doubts.
But don't you think nothing is better than stopping this looters to further plunder Pakistan and its innocent poor people?
British who had been cosy with BB, are now doing same with her children. If they are UK educated so what? Does this give them the right to loot and plunder Pakistan?
Would these writers glorify any British person who is involved in similar practices and crimes?
More importantly, would Bakhtawar allow me to interview her?
I am as British as these writer(s). So would she give me her time?
I bet she wouldn't, because I am Asian British and for her I am not among equals. This by the way is illegal practice if adopted in the UK by anyone.
In a nutshell, these westerners have vested interest in promoting these corrupt Bhuttos/Zardaris , because they are close to them and easier to manipulate them when in power for the interest of the west. In Pakistan only those people should rule who work for the interest of people of Pakistan, like we expect the leaders in the UK to work for the betterment of the people of the UK.
I am doing this for the sake of Pakistan. At least I have no personal interests or to gain financially from all this, if anything I use my valuable time writing.
I think it is time worth spending, if Pakistan can progress and we get rid of these corrupt thugs.