Mustafa Kamal Emergency Press Conference After Blast


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
GASindh said:
I do not have the list so it means no one died in Tahir Plaza, is this what you are saying,

But, you people said, the lawyers were killed on the basis of Lawyers statements, which also offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA.

List already provided by MQM in front of LIVE CAMERA.
Lawyers didn't deny even then. The hilarious part was, who were those people, for which they offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA as a lawyers.


Councller (250+ posts)
Jury said:
GASindh said:
I do not have the list so it means no one died in Tahir Plaza, is this what you are saying,

But, you people said, the lawyers were killed on the basis of Lawyers statements, which also offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA.

List already provided by MQM in front of LIVE CAMERA.
Lawyers didn't deny even then. The hilarious part was, who were those people, for which they offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA as a lawyers.

Human Beings were killed by MQM in Tahir Plaza, Lawyer or No Lawyer, does this matter, to you

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

By looking at the previous record and the kind of activities MQM and its workers are capable of doing, I do not have doubt in my mind that MQM is not capable of doing this. Having said that , I do not have a list of the Lawyers who died , however, by your admission , I know that some people died in the fire mischeifly started by some elements and they could be from MQM. By the way you are defending MQM( And this is not the first time you have done that) I am getting more confident in my assumption of MQM'S hand in the killing.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
GASindh said:
Human Beings were killed by MQM in Tahir Plaza, Lawyer or No Lawyer, does this matter, to you
Don't try to hide by giving sentimental statement.

But, lawyers said, lawyers were burnt in Tahir Plaza.
Lawyers also offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA for those lawyers.
But, where is the list of those lawyers for which lawyers offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Zaidi Qasim said:

(1) By looking at the previous record and the kind of activities MQM and its workers are capable of doing, I do not have doubt in my mind that MQM is not capable of doing this. Having said that , I do not have a list of the Lawyers who died , however, by your admission , (2) I know that some people died in the fire mischeifly started by some elements and they could be from MQM. By the way you are defending MQM( And this is not the first time you have done that) I am getting more confident in my assumption of MQM'S hand in the killing.
i. Major Kaleem case, on the basis of which operation was started. Not only MQM won that case, but, court also fined Major Kaleem Rs.5,000.

ii. Accusation of Jinnah Pur. No need to tell, what was the result.

iii. Hakeem Saeed murder case, govt lost the case.

On 17th of Feburary 1999 a Bench of NON PCO JUDGES comprises of

Chief Justice Ajmal Mian,

Justice Saiduzzaman Siddiqui,

Justice Irshad Hasan Khan,

Justice Raja Afrasiab Khan,

Justice Mohammad Bashir Jehangiri,

Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid,

Justice Munawar Ahmed Mirza,

Justice Mamoon Kazi and

Justice Abdur Rehman Khan.

Unanimously declared the setting up of military courts

for the trial of civilians as unconstitutional and without lawful


The Honorable Bench give the following Decision.

We are of the view that Ordinance No XII of 1998 as amended up-to-

date in so far as it allows the establishment of military courts

for trial of civilian charged with the offences mentioned in

Section 6 and the schedule to the above ordinance are declared

Unconstitutional, without lawful authority and of no legal effect,

According to this judgment by the 9 member NON PCO Bench, it is crystal clear that the then Prime Minister (Nawaz Sharif) and President Rafiq Tarar did conduct an Unconstitutional Act, which is declared by the Supreme Court of Pakistan as Unconstitutional and Un Lawful.( It is worth noting that Nawaz Sharif is asking for Musharraf Trial as Supreme Court of Pakistan termed 3 Nov 2007 Actions Un Constitutional and Illegal, the same Supreme Court cited on 17 Feb 1999).

Now, you're saying some people. You people were making hue and cry over Lawyers burning in Tahir Plaza. But, till this reply, haven't provided the list of burnt lawyers, yet.
Although, GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA offered by the lawyers, for those, who died in the Tahir Plaza.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
===> Mustafa Kamal Revealing Facts CCTV FOOTAGE <===

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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: ===> Mustafa Kamal Revealing Facts CCTV FOOTAGE <===

MQM was and is always in power in Sindha and Centre and they still blame others for each and every incident. They must accept their responsibilities. They have powerful Governor, Nazim, ministers, Beaurcrecy and everything on their disposal.

The terrorist act in which the whole Sunni leadership was assassinated under their rule and the concerns quarters raised voice on the involvement of MQM in that incident, but no inquiry was held neither any of the culprits were caught.

On 12th May 2007 MQM demonstrated worst terrorist activities in the city and the whole nation witnessed it and their patrons Musharraf announced in Public meeting about the success of MQM operation on that day. Further, MQM created hurdles in the inquiry of the incidents.

Now a day Altaf / MQM also playing a role of foreign powers, who want to de-stabilize the country and MQM is strengthening them.

Unless a fair and impartial inquiry of all the activities of MQM would not be conducted, the nation will faces such incidents again and again.

We must expose these elements, whosoever and to whom they belongs without and discrimination.


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: ===> Mustafa Kamal Revealing Facts CCTV FOOTAGE <===

rahat said:
MQM was and is always in power in Sindha and Centre and they still blame others for each and every incident. They must accept their responsibilities. They have powerful Governor, Nazim, ministers, Beaurcrecy and everything on their disposal.

The terrorist act in which the whole Sunni leadership was assassinated under their rule and the concerns quarters raised voice on the involvement of MQM in that incident, but no inquiry was held neither any of the culprits were caught.

On 12th May 2007 MQM demonstrated worst terrorist activities in the city and the whole nation witnessed it and their patrons Musharraf announced in Public meeting about the success of MQM operation on that day. Further, MQM created hurdles in the inquiry of the incidents.

Now a day Altaf / MQM also playing a role of foreign powers, who want to de-stabilize the country and MQM is strengthening them.

fab , convnincing , he challanged he has not been informed , authorties should come forward and prove on media about the security plan.

syed is very convincing

Unless a fair and impartial inquiry of all the activities of MQM would not be conducted, the nation will faces such incidents again and again.

We must expose these elements, whosoever and to whom they belongs without and discrimination.


MPA (400+ posts)
syed_nd said:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
shrf390 said:

If you know, then publish the list of burnt lawyers in Tahir Plaza.
You people also offered GHAIBANA NAMAZ-e-JANAZA for dead lawyers.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: ===> Mustafa Kamal Revealing Facts CCTV FOOTAGE <===

rahat said:
MQM was and is always in power in Sindha and Centre and they still blame others for each and every incident. They must accept their responsibilities. They have powerful Governor, Nazim, ministers, Beaurcrecy and everything on their disposal.

The terrorist act in which the whole Sunni leadership was assassinated under their rule and the concerns quarters raised voice on the involvement of MQM in that incident, but no inquiry was held neither any of the culprits were caught.

On 12th May 2007 MQM demonstrated worst terrorist activities in the city and the whole nation witnessed it and their patrons Musharraf announced in Public meeting about the success of MQM operation on that day. Further, MQM created hurdles in the inquiry of the incidents.

Now a day Altaf / MQM also playing a role of foreign powers, who want to de-stabilize the country and MQM is strengthening them.

Unless a fair and impartial inquiry of all the activities of MQM would not be conducted, the nation will faces such incidents again and again.

We must expose these elements, whosoever and to whom they belongs without and discrimination.






The rise of the Taliban, the fall of Karachi
In the national interest

Monday, March 30, 2009
Kamal Siddiqi

The writer is editor reporting, The News

Earlier this week, a family friend got off from her car and walked to a chemists shop in a busy shopping area of Karachi. She was wearing a normal shalwar- kameez suit that most Karachi women wear in public areas. Nothing out of the ordinary. As she walked to the shop, a man approached her and showed her a pistol.

But instead of robbing her, he gave her a chilling message: Next time you come in public, cover yourself from head to toe. This happened in full public view on a busy Karachi street. But no one seemed to notice and the man did not in any way seem in any hurry or worry.

The reference of this incident happening to a family friend has only been done to make people understand that this is not an urban myth but a reality. It is happening in Karachi, the countrys largest and possibly most open city. There are more worrisome incidents than one can recall.

Many businessmen have received calls on their cell phones in which the caller does not identify himself but does confirm the name of the person he has called. After a couple of days comes another call. And then another. The businessman is told to contribute a certain amount to the Tehreek-e-Taliban.

One businessman shrugged this off as a hoax. But soon enough there were men who called at his house and made the same demand, only this time they also mentioned that they not only knew where he lived, but where he worked, which schools his children went to, and other details.

The man ended up paying. No one knows who these people are. Some say they are criminals who are using the name of the Taliban. Who knows?

A family in Clifton last month received a notice which was addressed to the father. In it, he was told to ensure that his daughters who were described in the letter in very negative terms should be told to stay home since they were seen to be of loose character. The letter warned the father to take action, otherwise the mosque will have to do something. The crime of these girls apparently was that they were seen too frequently moving around and that too in Western clothes.

The writers of this threatening letter even disclosed their identity. The claimed to be from a prominent mosque, situated in the market area of Clifton. The shaken family did as they were told. Many families have received such letters and in most instances they have complied. No action or questions have been asked of the people at this mosque. The police shrugs this off as nothing important.

Last year, this mosque was identified by the MQM when it made an outcry on the rise in Talibanisation in Karachi. But the Peoples Party government has been denying the rise of extremist forces in Karachi for the year since it has been in power. Some say that the motives of the MQM are suspect. Their agenda is more political. But then again, who is right and who is wrong?

Stories continue to surface of the growing influence of such elements. Women who travel without their heads covered in public transport have been spat upon. In some instances by other women.

The media has helped confuse the people even more. Programmes aired by our leading channels on religious issues sometimes misguide instead of guide. They play on the sentiments of people only to get better ratings. After all, one of the most prominent religious show hosts ended up becoming a minister.

The tragedy, if one may call it that, is that there is a growing number of people in Karachi who welcome the arrival of the purveyors of quick and cheap justice. And are willing to defend, fund and shelter them. They sympathise with the soldiers of their brand of Islam because the government has let them down. And they are frustrated over the growing incidents of crime and lawlessness and have no hope in the government addressing these issues. Both the military junta and the elected peoples representatives are seen more interested in protecting and enriching themselves than providing good governance to the people. This is the public perception.

Two video clips that have been circulating on the Internet only add to peoples fear and plays on their insecurity. One clip, which is perhaps one of the most watched and forwarded clips in Pakistan this week, shows how a man is mugged while he is taking money out of an ATM in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi.

The clip, which was taken off a security camera of the bank, clearly shows the face of the man, the two men who rob him and the look of frustration and helplessness on the victims face once the deed is done. While there is no violence, except where the robber shows the poor man a gun and then hides it, it leaves one disturbed and it is chilling for anyone who has any care for Pakistan. Is this what we have been reduced to, and where do we go from here?

The other clip, which has not been seen by as many people, is violent and much more chilling. This clip was made from a mobile phone by the accomplice of a man who is currently in police custody. This is now known as the Hajiano case or the White Corolla case. This man robbed people and raped women at will for a year. This clip relates to one incident where a woman is being assaulted.

The clip numbs the brain and makes one bay for blood. After seeing this video, people have said that an exemplary punishment should be given to the perpetrator. One hopes this is done, but there are many who have expressed fears that the case will soon be forgotten. The womens rights organisations which had earlier come out on the streets now seem to have been lulled into silence. Let us hope for justice. There are some who say that this matter would have been settled had the Taliban been in charge.

These are worrisome sentiments. In his speech this week, President Obama has committed more money to Pakistan to crush Al-Qaeda. He said in his speech that the Al-Qaeda and its extremist allies (like the Taliban) are a cancer that risks killing Pakistan from within. The problem is that many Pakistanis do not see it like that anymore.

To defeat extremist elements, the US and Pakistan have to do more than pump in more military and economic assistance which never reaches the common man. There is a larger battle, for the hearts and minds of the people of Pakistan, which needs to be fought. This is not being done.

We do not want any more VOA-TV type propaganda that, in its condescending way creates more enemies then friends. We want a proper dialogue with the US and the West over what its goals are and whether these are our goals as well. Whether we like it or not, the battle for a safer America cannot be won if the people of Pakistan are not convinced. This is the stark reality, no matter how many drone attacks are carried out on the one hand and assistance is given to our government on the other.

It was true of the Musharraf government and is becoming increasingly true of the Zardari government too. The people of Pakistan are not seen as stakeholders in the battle against militants and extremism. It is too often said that while the West talks to our leaders, Al Qaeda and the Taliban talk to the people. Sadly, this is an issue President Obama has not addressed.

[email protected]








Senator (1k+ posts)
The real terrorists are the explioters and their agents "MQM" who got benefits from them. The whole nation is bearing the burden of this ruling elite and its agents (So-called Middle c;lass of the big cities).
But now it is the time to expose and defeat these explioters and their agents , Altaf / MQM