Musharaf must be feeling threatened by change in leadership of an premier intelligence agency with links to Nawaz family , so shall be Imran khan who has returned to parliament expecting no back supporter for his street agitations in future. Musharaf could not pocket Altaf's MQM as Nisar saved later from destruction in two cases in the UK by not cooperating at this end. Musharaf is also feeling pinch by ascension of new SC chief justice Saqib Nisar and his protege in IHC who can again wind him down but they seem to have decided to take him from Baluchistan high court . Saqib is regarded as close to Nawaz.
Then comes the new army chief , he has visited Saudis , and done Umra , but then this is not the litmus test of "that thing" , "those guys" also did Haj till saudis stopped them. He is regarded as inside man like Zia and some say Nawaz has made a wrong choice for his own ill luck like 1999 . New chap has appointed his lobby on important corp commandeer posts but "that issue" is unsettled. Sunni world is watching.
Senate of Pakistan like another stupid has demanded withdrawl of high denomination note like idiot modi , shows we do not need senate or even democracy if we love ourselves .
There is law which forbids conversion of under 18 to islam and Bilawal wants a long long tenure for himself for arranging this law in Sindh . Doomed Bilawal . There is real danger of PPP getting out of Bhutto clan as such laws are going to have backlash. PPP leaders are already Martyr hungry , no food for some years. Their agony. Then to irritate the pashtuns , the law of 10% women votes for elections to be valid has been erected , seems Maryam Nawaz also wants to be Martyr so we become land of martyrs .
State institutions and leaders are challenging Islam lovers and business class afresh and may be we are heading towards 1977. Nawaz was never so unsafe in power as now contrary to his own perception .
Then comes the new army chief , he has visited Saudis , and done Umra , but then this is not the litmus test of "that thing" , "those guys" also did Haj till saudis stopped them. He is regarded as inside man like Zia and some say Nawaz has made a wrong choice for his own ill luck like 1999 . New chap has appointed his lobby on important corp commandeer posts but "that issue" is unsettled. Sunni world is watching.
Senate of Pakistan like another stupid has demanded withdrawl of high denomination note like idiot modi , shows we do not need senate or even democracy if we love ourselves .
There is law which forbids conversion of under 18 to islam and Bilawal wants a long long tenure for himself for arranging this law in Sindh . Doomed Bilawal . There is real danger of PPP getting out of Bhutto clan as such laws are going to have backlash. PPP leaders are already Martyr hungry , no food for some years. Their agony. Then to irritate the pashtuns , the law of 10% women votes for elections to be valid has been erected , seems Maryam Nawaz also wants to be Martyr so we become land of martyrs .
State institutions and leaders are challenging Islam lovers and business class afresh and may be we are heading towards 1977. Nawaz was never so unsafe in power as now contrary to his own perception .
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