For Youthia Party : The world is fake, the news are fake , all others except Imran khan is fake. cmon mates get a life and get real !
تم تو نہ ہی بولا کرو تو اچھا ہے ناں شجا الدین ؟For Youthia Party : The world is fake, the news are fake , all others except Imran khan is fake. cmon mates get a life and get real !
Nanga, corrupt, ganja, qatri, indian agent yaar you have limited vocabulary as a PTI suppoter. I find you guys below average and with a low IQ.تم تو نہ ہی بولا کرو تو اچھا ہے ناں شجا الدین ؟
جب بھی منہ کھولتے ہو تمھارے اندر کی ایک اور گراھ کھل جاتی ہے
ایک دن فورم پر الف ننگا کھڑے ہو گے؟... ?
Haha loji shujauddin! Tum nay aik girah aur khol di.... ?Nanga, corrupt, ganja, qatri, indian agent yaar you have limited vocabulary as a PTI suppoter. I find you guys below average and with a low IQ.
Bye for now.
Dekho man the test is very simple :Haha loji shujauddin! Tum nay aik girah aur khol di.... ?
BTW what is the average !Q in Pakistan? and how low is considered a low IQ?
What is your IQ? Is this an estimate or you actually took a test??
Hahaha...Your testing method indicates that your IQ is less than a chimpanzee.Dekho man the test is very simple :
Non PTI : It is very hot today, must be global warming or smog that's causing it
PTI Youthia : Chor chor , Ganja caused it . We have qatri letter as proof.
Non PTI : How can one man cause a change in climate?
PTI Youthia : Kuttay Haraam Khor Indian agent ! Nooora choora bhooora
This is how we judge the IQ , do u agree Saboo?
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