Middle East roundup - Houthis reject casefire before talks , Turkey decides to hit all villains , Ir


Minister (2k+ posts)
Some major decisions seem to be unfolding , for example Turkey is playing a more active role in policing its border and PKK and IS not only Assad regime is to be disciplined . Turkey has told that it might even send troops across border . Iran has probably decided to limit Syrian involvement by helping in only retention of Alawite and strategic areas and some shia sources tell me that Asad is out of game. Houthis have lost Aden and it is their last chance to keep Yemen united , if they do not heed Sunni coalition demands then ground offensive to divide Yemen is very much on schedule . So what is left is Hezbollah , Israel will not let Iran have 200 billion assets and sanctions lifted unless Iran withdraws Hizbolah Rocket arsenal and send militants like Hasan Nasrullah lifted away . Saudis will see a sun I power resurgence in Lebanon . Hamas is left with no choice except to side with sunni coalition and its leader met king salman but he is not yet on boat . Next step is Egypt Muslim Brotherhood sisi reproachment , Muslim brotherhood being a sunni force cannot side with Iran like this and still represent Sunnis , this is a political impossibility . Islamic state finally has to make up with Shias of Iraq after capture of Baghdad and Iran has to reinforce protective forces in shia portions of Iraq and gradually withdraw from Iraq . Meanwhile as Qadeer khan pointed out there is real danger of militant bearded revolutionary guards of Iran displacing Mullahs from power gradually with western support .Looks upbeat , but Raheel has yesterday indirectly indicated launching of Baluchistan operation to protect china corridor project , hoping Chinese will help in this difficult terrain and India does not like it .


ADEN/SANAA: Yemeni forces allied with a Saudi-led coalition fought Houthi militia for control of the country’s largest air base north of Aden on Sunday, local residents said, hours before a humanitarian truce declared by the coalition was meant to start.

The Al-Anad base, 50 km (30 miles) from the major southern port city, has been held by the Iranian-allied Houthi movement for much of a fourth-month-old civil war, and is seen as a strategic location commanding the approaches to Aden.

The Arab coalition on Saturday announced a cease-fire to take effect at 11.59 p.m. (2059 GMT) on Sunday evening for five days to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid.

But the truce was thrown into doubt when Houthi leader Abdel-Malek Al-Houthi was reported to have rejected it, arguing it would benefit only militant groups Islamic State and Al-Qaeda.

“The battle goes on and the war is not over,” Houthi leader Abdel-Malek Al-Houthi was quoted as saying in a message posted on the group’s Twitter account. The Iranian-allied Houthi group accuses its Saudi-backed foes of being in cahoots with Islamist militants like Al-Qaeda, something the coalition denies.

A spokesperson for the Houthis was not immediately available for comment on the posting.

Four months of air raids and war have killed more than 3,500 people. Aden has suffered especially, with severe shortages of fuel, food and medicine.

The Arab coalition, allied with southern secessionist fighters, retook much of Aden last week in the first significant ground victory in their campaign to end Houthi control over much of Yemen and restore exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
Houthi fighters and army units loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh captured Aden at the outset of the war, prompting Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia, an ally along with the United States.
Aden and other southern provinces have been largely inaccessible to UN food aid, and about 13 million people — over half the population — are thought in dire need of food.

Warplanes attack

Coalition warplanes carried out raids near Sanaa late on Saturday and shortly after dawn on Sunday, residents reported, adding that the targets included a military base near the city.

In the city itself, a bomb exploded underneath a passenger bus, killing three people and wounding five in the southern district of Dar Selm, police said. No further details were immediately available.

Ali Ahmedi, a spokesman for anti-Houthi forces in Aden, said fighting was going on at the Al-Anad base, where he said southern anti-Houthi fighters had damaged equipment, aircraft and tanks.

Residents said forces of the so-called Southern Resistance, a secessionist movement allied with the coalition, had taken and Sabr, a northern district of Aden. The residents reported 25 Houthis and 10 Southern Resistance fighters had been killed.

The Saudi-led coalition began its campaign on March 26, bidding to reverse months of advances by the Houthis after they moved from their northern stronghold last year, capturing the capital Sanaa and pushing south to Aden.
A senior Houthi commander, Abdul-Khaliq Al-Houthi, was captured on Saturday by the Southern Resistance, the secessionist movement said on its official Twitter account.

Houthi officials could not immediately be contacted for comment. Reuters could not independently verify the information.
Yemenis say Abdul-Khaliq Al-Houthi, a brother of Houthi leader Abdul-Malek Al-Houthi, played an important role in the militia’s capture of Sanaa in September.

(Writing by Hadeel El Sayegh and William Maclean; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Raissa Kasolowsky)


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Minister (2k+ posts)
One liner .....Turkey infor War Crime.

Like it or not ....

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his family support ISIS.

IS is not supported by only erdogan but majority Sunnis of the world and there are solid reasons for this support . Problem is there are many IS it seems like many Taliban varieties .

staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
Aap ko kia lagta hai IRANI MULLOUN nay chaat ke rehri lagani hai?They will keep pushing for expanding their sphere of influence and specially after getting 200 billion dollars and lifting of sanctions.Yes they are facing some hard time in Syria but they have not lost hope there.


Sunni do not support ISIS. DO not confuse Sunni with Saudi sect.

My fear is that in the long run..... word Sunni might become Synonymous with past mass killer groups like Nazi, etc.

SO we have to be very clear. Making sure word Sunni do not infringe Human rights.

Truth is Sunni sect has never been in the past or present associated with Mass kiilings or criminal gangs. Then why do Sunni as a whole act so stupid.

IS is not supported by only erdogan but majority Sunnis of the world and there are solid reasons for this support . Problem is there are many IS it seems like many Taliban varieties .


its more than 400$ billion, and its there money ....
why are you in tears?

Aap ko kia lagta hai IRANI MULLOUN nay chaat ke rehri lagani hai?They will keep pushing for expanding their sphere of influence and specially after getting 200 billion dollars and lifting of sanctions.Yes they are facing some hard time in Syria but they have not lost hope there.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
ترکی کا دولتِ اسلامیہ کو شام میں نشانہ بناتے رہنے کا عزم

ترکی کے سرکاری ٹی وی نے خبر دی ہے کہ فضائی بمباری سرحدی گاؤں ہاور میں کی گئی

ترک جنگی طیاروں کے دولتِ اسلامیہ کے ٹھکانوں پر حملوں کے بعد ترکی کے وزیراعظم احمد داؤد اوغلو نے کہا ہے کہ ان کا ملک شام میں شدت پسند تنظیم کو نشانہ بناتا رہے گا۔

ادھر ترک صدر رجب طیب اردوگان نے تصدیق کی ہے کہ امریکی جنگی طیاروں کو دولتِ اسلامیہ کے خلاف کارروائی کے لیے ملک کے جنوبی علاقے میں واقع فضائی اڈہ استعمال کرنے کی اجازت دے دی گئی ہے۔

تاہم ان کا کہنا ہے کہ انکرلک نامی فضائی اڈے کو معاہدے کے تحت مخصوص شرائط کے تحت ہی استعمال کیا جا سکے گا۔

ترک وزیراعظم کے دفتر سے جاری ہونے والے بیان میں کہا گیا ہے کہ ایف سولہ طیاروں نے جمعے کو دولتِ اسلامیہ کے تین ٹھکانوں کو نشانہ بنایا۔

یہ پہلا موقع ہے کہ ترکی نے دولتِ اسلامیہ کے خلاف جاری فضائی کارروائیوں میں حصہ لیا ہے۔

ترک فوج کا کہنا ہے کہ جن اہداف کو نشانہ بنایا گیا جن میں دو کمانڈ پوسٹس اور شدت پسندوں کے جمع ہونے کا ایک مقام شامل ہے۔

سرکاری ٹی وی نے خبر دی ہے کہ فضائی بمباری سرحدی گاؤں ہاور میں کی گئی اور اس دوران شام کی سرحدی حدود کی خلاف ورزی نہیں کی گئی۔

وزیرِ اعظم کے بیان میں کہا گیا ہے کہ دولتِ اسلامیہ کے ٹھکانوں پر بمباری کرنے کا فیصلہ جمعرات کو سرحد پر ہونے والی جھڑپوں کے بعد منعقدہ اجلاس میں کیا گیا تھا اور اس کارروائی میں اہداف ’مکمل طور پر تباہ ہوئے۔‘

شام کی سرحد کے قریب واقع اس ایئربیس کے استعمال سے ’دولت اسلامیہ‘ کے مرکز رقہ سے فاصلہ انتہائی کم ہوجائے گا

احمد داؤد اوغلو نے کہا ہے کہ ’یہ ایک جاری عمل ہے۔ یہ ایک دن یا کسی ایک خطے تک محدود نہیں ہے۔ ترکی کو دھمکانے کی کسی بھی کوشش کا سخت ترین طریقے سے جواب دیا جائے گا۔‘

ترک وزیراِعظم نے یہ بھی کہا کہ اگر ضرورت پڑی تو ترکی شام میں اپنی زمینی فوج بھی بھیج سکتا ہے۔

خیال رہے کہ شام اور ترکی کی سرحد پر دولت اسلامیہ کے جنگجوؤں اور ترک فوج کے درمیان فائرنگ کے تبادلے میں ایک ترک اہلکار ہلاک اور دو زخمی ہوگئے تھے۔

ادھر ترک پولیس نے جمعے کی صبح ملک کے 13 صوبوں میں کیے جانے والے آپریشن میں دولتِ اسلامیہ اور کرد علیحدگی پسندوں کے مشتبہ حامیوں کی بڑی تعداد کو حراست میں لیا ہے۔

اس کارروائی میں پانچ ہزار پولیس اہلکار شریک ہوئے اور گرفتار کیے جانے والے افراد کی تعداد تین سو کے لگ بھگ 250 بتائی جا رہی ہے۔

ان کارروائیوں کے دوران صرف استنبول میں ہی 26 علاقوں میں 140 مقامات پر چھاپے مارے گئے جبکہ پولیس نے انقرہ اور شامی سرحد کے نزدیکی شہر ازمیر میں بھی کارروائیاں کیں۔

ترکی کی حکومت نے سوروچ میں ہونے والے خودکش بم دھماکے کا الزام شدت پسند تنظیم دولت اسلامیہ پر عائد کیا تھا

گرفتار ہونے والوں میں پی کے کے کے ارکان بھی شامل ہیں۔ اس تنظیم پر بدھ کو دو ترک پولیس اہلکاروں کی ہلاکت کا الزام لگایا جا رہا ہے۔

ترکی نے شام میں دولت اسلامیہ کو نشانہ بنانے کا فیصلہ ایک ایسے وقت میں کیا ہے جب امریکہ نے کہا ہے کہ دولت اسلامیہ کے خلاف فضائی کارروائیوں کے لیے ترک اڈے کے استعمال کا معاہدہ کئی ماہ کے مذاکرات کے بعد طے پایا ہے۔

انجرلیک ایئر بیس کے استعمال سے امریکی فوجی کی دولت اسلامیہ کو نشانہ بنانے کی صلاحیت میں اضافہ ہوگا، ایک امریکی اہلکار نے نیویارک ٹائمز سے بات کرتے ہوئے سے اسے ’کھیل تبدیل کرنے والا قدم‘ قرار دیا ہے۔

ماضی میں یہ ایئربیس سابق عراقی صدر صدام کے خلاف کارروائیوں میں بھی استعمال کیا گیا تھا۔

شام کی سرحد کے قریب واقع امریکی ایئربیس سے دولت اسلامیہ کے مرکز رقہ سے فاصلہ انتہائی کم ہوجائے گا۔

وائٹ ہاؤس نے تاحال اس معاہدے پر تبصرہ نہیں کیا تاہم وائٹ ہاؤس کے ترجمان جوش ارنسٹ نے کہا ہے کہ صدر اوباما اور صدر اردوغان نے گفتگو کے دوران ’تعاون بڑھانے‘ پر اتفاق کیا ہے۔

اس معاہدے سے دولت اسلامیہ کے خلاف مہم میں ترکی کی شرکت بڑھ گئی ہ
ISIS do not pose any direct threat to Israel or West!

Alawites of Syria will never ever surrender to ISIS ... Surrendering means the destruction and genocide of Alawite community as well as for Druz and Christians of Syria , So they will fight till the last man ... As Iran and Russia are supporting Asad , So Asad regime will always get weapons ... So the war will continue and we have also seen that ISIS has failed to get any territory into Alawite region of Syria!....... Indeed ISIS saved Asad regime from falling!

In Iraq , the Shias will also fight till the last man and ISIS also have failed to make any inroads into Shia territory ... So the war will continue!

Turkey has no threat of ISIS , Turkey's only concern it to stop Kurds to become a Power!

So this war will continue for a while until a foreign Power or United Nation comes to save the region from destruction!


Minister (2k+ posts)
ISIS do not pose any direct threat to Israel or West!

Answer : Being fragmented , armed , multiheaded , determined , it does pose a threat , Especially by returning fighters

Alawites of Syria will never ever surrender to ISIS ... Surrendering means the destruction and genocide of Alawite community as well as for Druz and Christians of Syria , So they will fight till the last man ... As Iran and Russia are supporting Asad , So Asad regime will always get weapons ... So the war will continue and we have also seen that ISIS has failed to get any territory into Alawite region of Syria!....... Indeed ISIS saved Asad regime from falling!

Answer : Putin is in severe financial crisis after crimea. He will change sides do not worry , they even allowed chechen kadyrov to talk to saudis .

Alawites are now trying to protect their areas and giving up others.

In Iraq , the Shias will also fight till the last man and ISIS also have failed to make any inroads into Shia territory ... So the war will continue!

That fight to the last man is not needed, Saudis and Turkey will only allow ISIS to enter deep into shia territory if Shias attack from Iraq border on Saudia , in that case we too have troops on that border . this has not occurred so far.

Turkey has no threat of ISIS , Turkey's only concern it to stop Kurds to become a Power!

Answer Turkey is mother of ISIS but that is just to stop Iranian resurgence , already may be caliphate claim is bothering many. ISIS has no danger from Turkey till the time Iran withdraws from Iraq then Turkey will dismantle ISIS.

So this war will continue for a while until a foreign Power or United Nation comes to save the region from destruction!

Answer : May be , but unlikely . This flame cannot simmer , as yemen is involved , a full fledged war is what Iran will get if these talks over nect two months fail and Sunnis should be ready for it and Pakistan also needs its oil reserves and import stock ready if war in Persian gulf starts.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
IS is not supported by only erdogan but majority Sunnis of the world and there are solid reasons for this support . Problem is there are many IS it seems like many Taliban varieties .

Sunni do not support ISIS. DO not confuse Sunni with Saudi sect.

My fear is that in the long run..... word Sunni might become Synonymous with past mass killer groups like Nazi, etc.

SO we have to be very clear. Making sure word Sunni do not infringe Human rights.

Truth is Sunni sect has never been in the past or present associated with Mass kiilings or criminal gangs. Then why do Sunni as a whole act so stupid.

دولۃ اسلامیہ کی جنگ خطے کے تمام ممالک سے ہے چاہے وہ شیعہ ہوں یا سنی
Answer : May be , but unlikely . This flame cannot simmer , as yemen is involved , a full fledged war is what Iran will get if these talks over nect two months fail and Sunnis should be ready for it and Pakistan also needs its oil reserves and import stock ready if war in Persian gulf starts.

Actually the returning fighters are in favor of Israeli and right wing lobby of Europe!

Europe is the only region of West which is supporting Palestinian Cause ... If these elements return back to Europe , Israeli and Right wing lobby will use them to demonize European Muslim Community .... Virtually Europe will return back to Christian or nationalism Era and expulsion of Muslims back to their Shiittt Holes

Alawites are still holding a big Chunk of Sunni dominated Syria .... It is impossible to defeat Alawite community when its survival is on stake!

Even Iraq captured a lot of sunni dominated regions of Iraq like Tikrit

ISIS has failed to gain an considerable territory in last year , even it lost some areas to Kurds and Iraqi Government

In a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran ....... Saudi Arabia will definitely lose the war ....... In view of military calculations and population analysis

staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
???? you still did not get my point.

I will sure accept SALAM on behalf of all Irani, Iraqi, HIjazi (not Saudi), Hazara, Awadh, Farsiwan, Talpur, Nagar.. list is long.
i know what are you trying to say and i also understand your hatred of ARABS,thats a direct result of of JAZBA-E-IRANI.anyway you have every right to LOVE whoever you want.


Sir, you are confused, or lack knowledge... Iraq and Hijaz are both 110% Arab. this proves my love and respect.

Why distrust your self to such extend that you find your self hugging Iblis. Dont you know, Sir Dr Iqbal was a lover for Persian Language.
YOur own forefather all spoke Persian, well if your forefathers worked for Mughal empire.

Arabic or Arab do not cater to our culture, or literature or ethics ... Arab contributed zero towards Islamic kingdom in Hindustan.
Hight of Tragedy seem to be ... YOu cant even write Pakistan in Arabic..... now that's a joke.

i know what are you trying to say and i also understand your hatred of ARABS,thats a direct result of of JAZBA-E-IRANI.anyway you have every right to LOVE whoever you want.

staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
Sir, you are confused, or lack knowledge... Iraq and Hijaz are both 110% Arab. this proves my love and respect.

Why distrust your self to such extend that you find your self hugging Iblis. Dont you know, Sir Dr Iqbal was a lover for Persian Language.
YOur own forefather all spoke Persian, well if your forefathers worked for Mughal empire.

Arabic or Arab do not cater to our culture, or literature or ethics ... Arab contributed zero towards Islamic kingdom in Hindustan.
Hight of Tragedy seem to be ... YOu cant even write Pakistan in Arabic..... now that's a joke.
i was talking about IRAN of MULLAHS,who has set the whole region of gulf on fire and destablise many muslim countries and societies in their attempt of exporting their revolution(or version of islam) and exercising some influence.Yes we have a very strong linguistic and cultural connection with persia.As for as ARABS are concerned they are the ones who made the islamic revolution a success and thus deserve some respect.
