Mere Mutabiq 24th October 2009 (MUST WATCH)



Mere Mutabiq 24th October 2009
Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani and Dr. Israr Ahmed in fresh episode of Meray Mutabiq and talked with Dr Shahid Masood.




Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Excellent dr saab,you have the courage to expose our leaders who need to be fixed in a very good manner.i dont know how long this nation is going to pay the price for their stupid acts.zardari accepted the american conditions and all the bombing in pakistan is going on the behest of U.S and india to show the instability of the country so american can say ,pakistan is very unstable and can't control its nukes so we are taking over the custody of the nukes for its safeguard.Just watch the statement Hilory clinton gave yesterday that pakistan's nukes are safe.It has a very deep meaning ,our intelligence and security agencies should have a concern on this kind of statements because she is again and again saying this.there is a motive behind it because condalisa rice once said if there is terrorist problem happen in pakistan,we have a contingency plan for pakistan's nukes.This kind of statements should not be ignored.kerry lugar bill is a real menace for this country,they just want to show us a carrot and want to use the stick.our real traitor,pervaiz musharraf who was awarded a "SIR" title from U.K,it was awarded because of his treason to this country.hamid mir,just today said american were awarded the land in sahala in 2006 for training the security people in musharraf regime,blackwater are in the country and look what is happening.America blamed iraq for WMD and invaded the country and there were no WMD. now they say,alqaeda and talibans are in quetta,after destroying this region ,they want to go to quetta so they can destroy each and every city one by one.Remove zardari first of all,he is ghadari,then form the national coalition govt and army should keep an eye on the situation because the politicians have failed to control the situation.

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Dr Shahid should have mentioned the ruined civilisations of this region which is known as Pakistan alone then it would have been enough to illustrate the divine wisdom and method of Allah Subhaan Wa Talah for treating the nations of this world since its birth. No doubt Holy Quran have mentioned about some specific nations and their sites which were in close vicinity to the peninsula of Arab in order to show them the signs of their predecessor kith and kin. Holy Quran itself also mentions that before you (Polytheists of Qureish Tribe) we have destroyed many nations and their habitats when they deviated from Our path and the signs of them you can view by roaming and touring their destructed spots around the world.

Cant these bigwigs of the ruling establishment of this country can watch the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, Harrapa and Taxila and take some hair rising lessons from those inhabitant lands now. Havent they seen that how much advanced and powerful their inhabitants (Dravidians by the good majority of historians) were in almost every field ranging from physical and social sciences, medicine, art, literature, technology and archaeology. So much complex and advance their art of symbolism and literature was that til this day the archaeologists and doctors of ancient symbolism and linguistics have failed to decipher and understand the carvings on their wooden and stone tablets. Why they have failed to visit the Taxila (The nearest historical spot which excelled in all of the major sciences and technology of that ancient world) which were renowned for its universities and seminaries for social and material sciences. From one of its iconic universities an alumnus was Professor Chanakya. Yes the great architect of the Maryun Hindu Empire was raised and designed the power structure of whole of that empire with its emperor Chandergupt Maryua. One can easily see the extent and power of that gigantic empire in the historical records and maps available over the internet.

The list of the ancient powerful dynasties and civilizations can be quoted in great number and one of them in this region was the power and rule of Muslims as well but havent these myopic and ill fated power brokers of Pakistan have seen and trued to learn the bitter realities and lessons from the ebb and flow of those advanced and powerful civilizations. Its in their own interests to try to reform themselves and try to learn the horrible consequences which many of their predecessor civilizations have suffered on this region by putting aside the exhortative and warn ridden parables of Holy Quran because many of them dont really believe from their heart the veracity and authenticity of this divine book and the reasons we can site many in this regard but cant because of overstretching this post. And those who believe in Holy Qurans divinity they should try to tally its historical facts with the facts of those which are laid in this region and hopefully by finding the parallels they should have to realise that until and unless they change their evil course of spreading Fitna (Corruption) on the behest of their paying masters (US and its Zionist allies) on this region their fate has been petered out already in the annals of divine predestination by the Almighty and all they have to do is to experience those impending destruction and calamities which would definitely make the horrendous and eye opening parable of them for the posterity.

Bret Hawk


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bret Hawk,

was pleasure to read your post!. few things:

a) Quran is main "source" of inspiration, people normally quote it. Of course there is no mention of
"recently" happened incidents in Asian Regions, but general principle applies, such as:

""Have they not travelled in the land, and seen what was the consequence of those people who
were before them....." So this "principle" applies to everywhere and in every time.

b) Dr, Shahid could have stated, the fate of Ayub, Yahya, Bhutto, BB, of Moughal Empires etc. Time changes
but the inherent qualities of human being never change. They were/are and are going to be the same from
the time of like Pharon till todate.

c) I am of the view, that Allah(SWT) does not like "hypocrisy", if a society declares openly its position
and spends her time according to that "position", Allah(SWT) till an appointed time reprieves it. Afterwards,
how He will dealt with them, that is another subject. But a society which lives and nourishes on
"Hypocrisy" which is the case with us, that is given the punishment here and also in the Hereafter. The
day Muslims will start realizing that doctrine of "Masjid" and "Discotheque" does not go along, perhaps
then their state of affairs may improve. Otherwise they should wait and see the earth jolting.

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Couldn't agree more than that on your view points. And thanks for your kind remarks about my post. And plus don't forget to see a special video which depicts the fable of a Sufi dervish in my yesterday's post Buzghala Aur Bacha-E-Zagh.

Bret Hawk