Meanwhile at D-Chowk...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Police's brutality on media and protesters the other day, there are rumors that govts gullu butts were involved in police's disguise... May be that is the reason but security forces have been attacked using their own uniform so i think everybody should be cautious


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
they have established a state, Inqlab state, inqlab is successful at first place.
tomorrow when they will leave this inqlab will got fail
so Qadri will keep his hand raised by claiming that under his command Inqlab was successful but his secondary command or followers could not maintain it


Minister (2k+ posts)
Army k agent... See the pic ... army is taking care of his agent... but not bother to ask the other guy standing with him to throw the stick.



Senator (1k+ posts)
because you are absolutely defiant of your old traditions as well. When a new wave comes, old has to let go. So let go, and assimilate, OR LEAVE.

So your vision of pak is where anybody having a different opinion than u should not exist ?

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
So your vision of pak is where anybody having a different opinion than u should not exist ?

I was addressing the undercover paid troll of PMLN : Aik_Sawal.

I welcome discourse and healthy discussion but at the moment siding with the present govt is like siding with Israel, because the govt treats its citizens exactly the way Israel treats Palestinians.

So you have even an iota of justice and humanity in your system, no matter how much you disagree with IK, PTI, TUQ, PAT etc etc you being a creature of god cannot support the govt.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Chalo ho jaata hai kabhi use getting so worked up over it..


President (40k+ posts)
Gullu Butts disguised in police uniforms are trying to undermine it's credibility....

That is being
done intentionally to provoke the masses against state institutions!!!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So in naya pakistan either you support PTI or you will have no right to exist ? Would it be like nazi germany ?

because you are absolutely defiant of your old traditions as well. When a new wave comes, old has to let go. So let go, and assimilate, OR LEAVE.
if you look closly thire uniform is not even complete how can you compare them with other police men who are wearing Riot shields and full uniform