Malala Yousuf Zai is embarrassment for me:- Tanvir Zamani
Hot.News Banned Jul 4, 2015 #1 Malala Yousuf Zai is embarrassment for me:- Tanvir Zamani Featured Thumbs
R remykhan Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 4, 2015 #4 iss ssay pooch k tum kone, maan khamkhua is the reply.
Desienglishman Senator (1k+ posts) Jul 5, 2015 #5 This lady can be an asset if she stays away from corrupted societies and use her maturity.
A abdlsy Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 5, 2015 #6 Dangerous drama by this lady unfolding. Go back practise ur surgery. Leave pakistan alone we already have hidden agenda power hungry politicians in pakistan. Pakistan will not miss. Goodbye
Dangerous drama by this lady unfolding. Go back practise ur surgery. Leave pakistan alone we already have hidden agenda power hungry politicians in pakistan. Pakistan will not miss. Goodbye
L Liaqat Hussain Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 5, 2015 #8 She is spot on about Malala but Is she really a surgeon? She sounds so dumb
atensari (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Jul 5, 2015 #9 اس بچاری کو خوف ہے کہیں بینظیر کی جگہ ملالہ نا لے لے زمانی صاحبہ کسی مولوی خاندان سے تعلق نہیں رکھتی اسلئے تھریڈ پر اتنی خاموشی ہے
اس بچاری کو خوف ہے کہیں بینظیر کی جگہ ملالہ نا لے لے زمانی صاحبہ کسی مولوی خاندان سے تعلق نہیں رکھتی اسلئے تھریڈ پر اتنی خاموشی ہے
A AHMED78 Minister (2k+ posts) Jul 5, 2015 #10 i don't know anything about this lady but i think she right here about malala 100 percent agree with her
i don't know anything about this lady but i think she right here about malala 100 percent agree with her
sulpzawa Voter (50+ posts) Jul 5, 2015 #13