Live With Talat (Azadi March Kiya Rukh Ikhtiyar Karega???) 21st August 2014


Voter (50+ posts)
People of Pak just learn a lesson from Turkish muslim where police inured aa teen age boy and whole Turkey start protest and Govt announced re election ..

People of Pak have no idea , What PTI is doing , PML-N spreading propaganda that he is doing all to get prime minster ship but that is not true even he not get any benefit fro KPK govt at all..

IK almost challenged the richest and most powerful people of most corrupt country of world called Pakistan... where if u have money u can buy supreme court even..

Nawaz SHarif is 3rd richest man of Pak.

Army the most power ful institution and at back of Sharif family ..

All establishment , MQM , 4th richest family Zaradri family , Malik Raiz , Mir shakeel ur rehman media tychon , All religious parties, Sradar of Baluchistan ..

IK is putting his life in danger by keep exposing in public as there is huge terrorism , I can bet not a single party chief as can expose himself in public among top 5 big parties..
IK knew he might be killed in that process too , despite that he is keeping him in public ..

IK is greatest muslim leader after Muhamad Bin Qasim



I am totally shocked. I was not expecting that talat will fell down to this extent. Totally one sided penal infect biased panel. And more over he was giving them leading lines however safi even don't need that.
but really don't expect that talat will go to this extent. He should at least maintain his integrity but except from feeling sorry for talat I can't do any thing more.