Kharra Sach PART-2 (Save Pakistan) 4th September 2014


Minister (2k+ posts)
brothers and sisters

ik need you, nation needs you.
I am tired.
Ik is not tired.
Avail this opportunity.
Give him your support.
Give him your love.
Ik will not be around very long.
Ik shows you the way.
And he will be gone.
Ik is allah's gift to you .
Don't you waste this gift.
If you waste this gift, don't you feel sorry about your next generation "they will be slaves of this elite"
what else you wanna know!!!!!0


Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why did these stories not surface before this?

I heard some where that IK said JH is blackmailing him when JH went back to Multa before Azadi March.