Kamran Khan (GEO) exposes the true face of MQM


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Spartacus - Kamran Khan is not impartial. He is the man who was arranging for visas for MQM when the army operation was in full force. I know this as the company I was working for had the consulate of a European country and Kamran Khan was regular visitor.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I agree what Kamran Khan is saying about MQM. No doubt it is organized party, true to its ideology, middle class men, in it and
a strong leadership is there BUT kamran Khan should/must have a courage or moral courage to also highlight few things:

a) MQM ideology is purely based on Ethnic base. Other than Urdu Speaking or Mohajir as they call them artificially can join but
are within a second-class standing; This "Lisaniat" element is the unifying force to all its ranks and files.

b) MQM is Karachi-based party only. Despite its best efforts it could not stretch herself beyond Karachi or Hyderabad.

c) MQM strategy is "to remain in power in Sind as well as in Islamabad" or There will be "Dhamal" at Karachi streets.

d) Ten years rule of Pervaiz Musharraf was in fact "de facto rule of MQM", a Clear Fact. High Degree of politics, now they
disown Musharraf. MQM got benefits or advantages in Musharraf Era to the extent that it never had since its inception.

e) Have used the Choudharies in a clever way knowing that their mentality does not go beyond "Gujrat and Buffalo business".

f) MQM knows very well that like Israel it can win all wars but cannot loose only one. That is the theory for about 15-20 seats of Karachi-Hyderabad.
Therefore having control of Karachi-Hyderabad is a matter of their death and life.

Kamran Khan is aware of the size of "Bori" ready-made for him, if he even slightly distracts himself from the praise-worthy path of MQM.
Anyhow the credit should and must be given to MQM, they know politics, and know how to use their ALL CARDS.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Kamran Khan (GEO) exposes the true face of MQM

We listen this video for 1,000 times posted by MQM brothers with different names. Please don't waste our time. Kamran Khan is a biased man. But OK for this video bring something new or keep quite.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We listen this video for 1,000 times posted by MQM brothers with different names. Please don't waste our time. Kamran Khan is a biased man. But OK for this video bring something new or keep quite.

Ha ha ha ..
Look like you have no answer and that is why you want that I should stop ....
What about Javed Choudhry ...If he is also....

What about Imran Khan...If he also joined APML of Musharraf

What about this MULTANI

What about Edhi

What about Spartacus ...:)

East Or West Musharraf is the Best. ( Spartacus )
