iTna Sharmana Ki Zaroorat Nii Ha


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
word HAYAA is from root HAY, YAA and YAA. It has various meanings eg life, shy, shame, hesitation, serpent, living things , livelihood, greeting, keeping busy, celebration etc etc. Then each of these meaning have other meanings and uses.

It is because we put emphasis on certain things as a people we take that sense of a word more seriously than its actual context and purpose.

since people read the quran and hadith as instruction books rather than trying to discover overall picture of islam and see how each instruction fits within it therefore the extremism that results from ignorance of sense of purpose of things.

sexual problem in human society are not because of pardah or lack of it but due to ignorance of the sense of purpose of a society. Purpose of a human society is not to control each other by force but to make each other aware as to what we people need from each other and for each other and how best can we regulate it so that all benefit from doing so. If society is properly balanced them crime could be almost zero in such a society but crime will increase as society loses this balance. The balance is needs of people and how they are met by people. crimes are result of some people taking more than they need and other having little therefore they too are forced to use whatever they have as means to get what they need.

this is why whether a society is good or bad is measured by gap between rich and poor.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
she says nothing from her self, you mean to say that the hadeeth is a hypocrite (Naozobillah)??????????

:( Whats up with the people. I am sorry to say but Pakistani forums are the only Islamic forums I come across where i come in reciting 'A'oothubillaah' cuz i know nothing's good is gonna come out of their minds here.

A person is labelled with the sickest and the dirtiest words here, who is just reciting you some verses of Qur'aan and ahadeeth of Prophet Salla Allaahu alayhi wa sallam. It seems like they are in a war with Allaah and His Messenger !.

May Allaah guide us all. A'ameen .


MPA (400+ posts)

:( Whats up with the people. I am sorry to say but Pakistani forums are the only Islamic forums I come across where i come in reciting 'A'oothubillaah' cuz i know nothing's good is gonna come out of their minds here.

A person is labelled with the sickest and the dirtiest words here, who is just reciting you some verses of Qur'aan and ahadeeth of Prophet Salla Allaahu alayhi wa sallam. It seems like they are in a war with Allaah and His Messenger !.

May Allaah guide us all. A'ameen .
