ISIS origin -simplified


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ISIS is just another political group using Islam for their personal goal, they don't represent my great religion Islam, as per Islam one cannot kill any non muslim who is not fighting and killing prisoner of war is not allowed they are noting more then Fitna.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
After watching this video i really believe that ISIS is a real Haq Movement.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
After watching this video i really believe that ISIS is a real Haq Movement.

دولت اسلاميہ کے لوگوں نے اب تک صرف اور صرف غير اسلامی کام کيے ہيں مسلمانوں اور نہتّے جنگی قيدی جو ہتھيار ڈال دے ان کو مارنے کا اسلام ميں حکم نہيں ہۓ