Indian court legalizes homosexuality


Councller (250+ posts)
Updated at: 1225 PST, Thursday, July 02, 2009
NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court on Thursday decriminalized homosexuality by reading down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

The Section 377 of the IPC as far as it criminalizes gay sex among consenting adults is violation of fundamental rights, said the high court. However, Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalizes homosexuality, will continue for non-consensual and non-vaginal sex.

Any kind of discrimination is anti-thesis of right to equality, said the court, while allowing plea of gay rights activists for decriminalization of homosexuality.

The court said that this judgment would hold till Parliament chooses to amend the law




Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
hindustani ke tou meazi ho gaiy. wase bih dal khane wale aksar .........hi hootey hain. :lol: :lol: :P :o :shock: :? ;)



you people are really progressing fast . Keep it up, BHAIYON CONTRA KO CONGRATULATE KARO AAJ TO AZADI MIL GAYEE IN LOGOON KO


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
About Contra
I thought that I am the only one who knows that stupid Contra but it seem to me that many others knows that bulshit any way keep it up guys careful our memories are very week and we mostly forget these kind of freaks.
Collect these information in your mind and when ever you meet anyone like contra (dont worry karachi is full) kick him hard with your words, dont dirty your legs or hands.

Or Khayal say Zardari bhi kaheen Abba ji " USA" ko khush kernay kay liye yehi law na pass kerday wait it may be comming, I am afraid that if indian priminister will stripdown in street then zardari might go for the same action.

Assalam o Alaikum


Humeans are getting worse and worse....

no wonder there is no peace in the world...or better to say, there is no peace in each humean mind..... :idea:

passsss what ever you want....but ture freedome and peace come with respect to each other and not by killing, hurting etc. to each other and to the nature.


Senator (1k+ posts)
The Delhi High Court on Thursday decriminalized homosexuality by reading down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.
The Section 377 of the IPC as far as it criminalizes gay sex among consenting adults is violation of fundamental rights, said the high court.

1. Do you realise the significance of the above judgement?
Well, how can you? Your country has Blasphemy Laws and as far as i know, nothing is being done to repeal it.

2. Yes, I am happy that people will not be put in jail or harassed. By the way, I am not Gay, but i respect the choice that people make.

3. You can laugh all you want, but the day you understand the significance of personal freedom, believe me even if you don't agree with someone, you will fight for his rights.


@ contra

Freedom of expression and human AZADI hahahhha :lol: :lol: :roll:

In a country where minorities are not allowed to get their right???. :oops: freedom of human doesn't mean that u allow each person to follow his desire without considering the right or wrong.Even in america homosexuality is not allowed in many states while US is so called human right champion.

Enjoy ur freedom :P :P :lol:


Senator (1k+ posts)
n a country where minorities are not allowed to get their right???

1. Who told you minorities are not allowed to get their rights? Yes, we are not perfect, but, we are far better than you. Tell me the name of one non-muslim who currently holds a high office in Pakistan?
Ever heard of Jizya Tax in India?
Your country is at No. 10 in the list of failed states. Why do you think that is?

Even in america homosexuality is not allowed in many states while US is so called human right champion.

2. They are not allowed to marry in certain states in the US. It is not illegal in US. Get your facts right.


MPA (400+ posts)
Justice Raana Bhaghwan Daas. He is very well respected justice in Pakistan. We love him and proud of him.



:P :P twenty eight states are fighting for independence in your country.

Dont tell me about the rights of minorities, i have many indian frineds and they told me many bitter realities :shock: which u are trying to
to hide here, minorities and specialy muslims are struggling in your country. Justice Rana is retired but his example shows that in Pakistan monorities have opportunity to make progress furthermore we dont kill them on daily basis. What is happening in northern part is due to involvement of many external elements which is equaly influenced by RAW. Try to remember the Gujrat riots. In Gujrat what happend is now the part of history.

Any way i know indian have potential to beat western in this field :roll: and due to intense competition they approve this law. Now you can
challenge them :mrgreen: so go ahead and beat them :P :P :P :P :lol: :lol:

foqia khan

MPA (400+ posts)
I have to add that instead of making fun of these kind of news... plz think about those factors which develop this kind of un natural behaviours in humen.... so that this thing can be stop from spreading me its unbalanced society pressures which result in such behaviours,e.g. in indian society,reasons for homosexuality r dowry system,widows can't marry again,media role developing sexual desires ,people afraid of making family b-coz of financial pressure,kids liabilities if think about the reasons...u will find that these kind of reason also exist in our society too....if anything is not in our notice that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist .be realistic n talk creative.


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. Who told you that "28 States are fighting for independence"???

2. If you read my post carefully, i had asked for a non muslim currently in a high office.
Can't think of any???

3. Read your own newspapers to see the persecution of minorities. Do you know what happened in the city of Kasur, just a few days ago???

4. Do you know how the Blasphemy Law is misused? Why not search the internet to see what is happening...

foqia khan

MPA (400+ posts)
contra said:
Justice Bhagawan Das is the former Chief Justice, he is retired now.

do u think that u can count that many person from minorities as compare to their percentage of the population in the total population of the country india ,if not ,then don't ask n don't talk about it.

whatever happened in kasur is a sad news n we also want people to be punished who did these criminal acts but this is not a general attitude of Pakistanis towards any minorities except Qadiyanis who preach their religion by hiding their group name n pretend themself as muslims ,when preaching....but still govt tries its best to stop the people who take law in their hands .


Senator (1k+ posts)

1. Who told you minorities are not allowed to get their rights? Yes, we are not perfect, but, we are far better than you.

Here is what the majority of reasonable people think about India. Watch the documentary linked below. This documentary was produced by an Australian. Not a Pakistani.
Wake up and smell the coffee. There are VERY serious concerns re the minority rights in Bharat. Stop living in a dreamworld of incredible india.





Senator (1k+ posts)
1. I never said we are perfect and without faults.

2. Whatever has happened is in front of all and was covered by the media. Whereas in Pakistan, such matters are brushed under the carpet. Remember the program Aalim Online on which Ahmediyyas were declared "Wajib ul Katal". This program is still running and no action has been taken.

3. Shia's being slaughtered in Kurram, and the government did nothing for all these months or even years.

4. Your country has a Blasphemy Law, what are you doing personally to appeal to the government to repeal this law, since a number of your non muslim countrymen are falsely accused under this law and are persecuted.