india is responsible terrorism in neighbouring countries



The web page of syndicated radio host Alex Jones exposing india- Is it true that india is responsible terrorism in neighbouring countries


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. India is NOT responsible for terrorism in neighbouring countries.

2. India is the source of stability, security, peace, development and democracy in South Asia.

3. India intervened and stopped the genocide in Bangladesh.

4. Sri Lanka: Even though LTTE was supported initially, after Rajiv Gandhi's assassination, that support was withdrawn.
The main reason for LTTE's defeat is that it did not have a safe area to withdraw to, like Afghan Taliban have Pakistan.

5. Indian intervention in Nepal brought the civil war to an end. Maoists were convinced to give up arms and enter the democratic process.

6. India does not use religion or terror as an instrument of state policy.


hmmmmm.... SO

1. what India is doing is doing about Kashmir issue to bring the peace in that region?

2. what India is trying to achive by putting more army along with China and Pakistan boarder?

3. what India is doing it with Muslims and now Christine in their own country?

4. what India is doing it in Baluchistan - Pakistan to support the seprate movement?

and so on ..........

taul - Blogger
Denial will not change realities on ground just as atrocities being committed by Indian Occupying forces against poor kashmiris and the list goes on but only for people of logic to admit and accept.


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. what India is doing is doing about Kashmir issue to bring the peace in that region?

1. India will never allow a part of its territory to be broken away because the people of that area worship a different God. This goes against the idea of India. We are trying to convince our Kashmiri brothers that Pakistan is a far worse country. That if they go with Pakistan, then the only thing in store for them is Sharia, violence, Taliban and pain.

2. what India is trying to achive by putting more army along with China and Pakistan boarder?

2. India is increasing its troop presence in Arunachal Pradesh, this is an area claimed by both India and China.

3. what India is doing it with Muslims and now Christine in their own country?

3. What ever is happening to them is in the open and for everybody to see. Our media covers these issue and does not brush them under the carpet. One thing that you should know is that India is a relatively much safer place for minorities than Pakistan.
We don't claim to be perfect, but we are better than you.
Remember, the program on Geo TV, Aalim Online, when the host and all his guests called Ahmeddiyas "Wajib ul Katal".
What action was taken against him?
Please read this:

4. what India is doing it in Baluchistan - Pakistan to support the seprate movement?

4. I don't know what India is doing. It is not talked about in Indian media. Only information i have is from Pakistani media, that India is supporting the BLA.

taul - Blogger
Only in a fool's world would any body try to convince others by Illegal force for decades and that too is discarded by the free
willed(which is suppressed by Illegal Occupiers Indian army)people of kashmir,let referendum take place infront of the Whole world and then people like you would come to senses the only idea of these people is freedom from Occupation.
huh that is far fetched thing for Fundamentalist Hindu/Zionist Govt to even conceive.