Imran Khan's Press Conference on September 6,2011...About ZM Allegations and Karachi Situation.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran khan Comes out after 15 days? was he researching the allegations?

He has been talking on this issue from the first day.This is just another press conference.Is youtube still working in china...

Ni shuo shenme?Wo jui de ni hai mei you shui jiao le.He you diar shui.lolz
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Imran khan Comes out after 15 days? was he researching the allegations?

I kow I wanted him to do something as well. ZM's statements were sort of shock for everyone. I guess he and his party wwere thinking what to do....
I hope he does something significant.Atleast he has done something unlike NS.
