IMF seeks strengthen anti-corruption institutions, Govt say not IMF mandate


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
IMF seeks to strengthen anti-corruption institutions in Pakistan; govt says it doesn't fall under the purview & mandate of IMF. IMF wants to make anti-corruption mechanisms & strengthening of anti-corruption institutions a part of the prior actions list before the staff-level agreement. The Pakistani govt has asked IMF to exclude it from the list of prior actions it is beyond the mandate of IMF.

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Voter (50+ posts)

اپنی باری آئی تو حرام زادوں کو آئی ایم ایف کا مینڈیٹ یاد آ گیا ہے

"ملک دی جنی مارنی اے مارو ساڈے حرام دے کماۓ پیہے نوں وچ نہ لیاؤ"


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
love you IMF. Keep Pakistan in the grayest of the gray list until all the loopholes made in the NAB ordinance are not plugged. We the downtrodden Pakistanis also request the IMF to set up a board to review appointments in the Superior Judiciary as our judiciary is itself corrupt and supporting the corrupt.
