IK is really that dense???


President (40k+ posts)
Honesty, patriotism and sincerity of IK is beyond doubt. However, his repeated mistakes and blunders are quite reprehensible. He has been repeatedly stabbed in the back by the moles of Establishment and those of the Goon League. Javed Hashmi, TQ, and Justice Wajih (don't know who is behind him but his actions and speeches are definitely quite suspicious) are just to name few.

It is a well known fact that Sh. Rasheed is a long time servant of establishment and a notorious political opportunist. He is a proverbial scorpion which cannot be blamed for biting you as that is part of it's instinct. He was the one who used his persuasive powers to convince IK to join hands with another puppet of GHQ in D-chowk.

Despite this long track record of repeatedly being duped by Sh. Rasheed, it appears that IK is still keeping a close contact with this snake. This is specially important at this juncture as TUQ is again becoming active and as usual Sh. Rasheed will again try his utmost to discredit IK through this fake scholar.

IK please do not let us down again and try to distance yourself from this creepy crawler.

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اپریل کے آخری ہفتے میں.... قادری صاحب بھی آرہے ہیں
پاناما لیک کا .... ان تینوں کو پہلے ہی پتا لگ گیا تھا
:) اس لیے کلکتہ میں سارے پلان بنے.... ایک دھرنا اور ہوگا


President (40k+ posts)
اپریل کے آخری ہفتے میں.... قادری صاحب بھی آرہے ہیں
پاناما لیک کا .... ان تینوں کو پہلے ہی پتا لگ گیا تھا
:) اس لیے کلکتہ میں سارے پلان بنے.... ایک دھرنا اور ہوگا

Last time he was here at the behest of establishment, but this time at the insistence of Pajama Leak!!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
اپریل کے آخری ہفتے میں.... قادری صاحب بھی آرہے ہیں
پاناما لیک کا .... ان تینوں کو پہلے ہی پتا لگ گیا تھا
:) اس لیے کلکتہ میں سارے پلان بنے.... ایک دھرنا اور ہوگا

[pata to nore ko bi phely lag giya tha]


Last time he was here at the behest of establishment, but this time at the insistence of Pajama Leak!!!

فوج نہ چاہے تو پورا پاکستان بھی اکٹھا ہو جائے.... کوئی کرسی نہیں چھین سکتا
یہ بات شیخ رشید اور عمران دونوں کو پتا ہے

قادری اگر آگیا ... تو پھر پہلی فلم کا پارٹ ٹو ہوگا
شیخ رشید کے دو تین مہینے پرانے انٹرویو دیکھو.... وہ مارچ اپریل کا ہی ٹائم دے رہا تھا
اب کی بار سومنات پر حملہ کامیاب ہوگا .... لیکن عمران کے ہاتھ پھر کچھ نہیں آنا
:) جنرل صاحب کی مدت... دس سال کے لیے پکی سمجھو


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What exactly do u want IK to do not speak to SR and TUQ?

Both SR and TUQ and SR are good people they are far from perfect but are not corrupt and want to make a positive difference in Pakistan.

What do u think of Jangeen Tareen and SMQ? Both are closest to IK?

We need to wake up and realise that IK needs people like Dr TUQ and SR.


President (40k+ posts)
What exactly do u want IK to do not speak to SR and TUQ?

Both SR and TUQ and SR are good people they are far from perfect but are not corrupt and want to make a positive difference in Pakistan.

What do u think of Jangeen Tareen and SMQ? Both are closest to IK?

We need to wake up and realise that IK needs people like Dr TUQ and SR.

If Patwaris were not enough, now we have to put up with Mureeds as well...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Isn't it ironic that you are asking him to not repeat the mistakes of the past and then making the same mistake of hoping that IK will mend his ways and will smarten up.

He does the same things over and over and over again and expects different results.

Just admit it that his only qualities are that he is sincere and not financially corrupt. But when it comes to politics and knowing when to seize the opportunity when it presents itself he is the ultimate stupid!

He is a lost case.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

فوج نہ چاہے تو پورا پاکستان بھی اکٹھا ہو جائے.... کوئی کرسی نہیں چھین سکتا
یہ بات شیخ رشید اور عمران دونوں کو پتا ہے

قادری اگر آگیا ... تو پھر پہلی فلم کا پارٹ ٹو ہوگا
شیخ رشید کے دو تین مہینے پرانے انٹرویو دیکھو.... وہ مارچ اپریل کا ہی ٹائم دے رہا تھا
اب کی بار سومنات پر حملہ کامیاب ہوگا .... لیکن عمران کے ہاتھ پھر کچھ نہیں آنا
:) جنرل صاحب کی مدت... دس سال کے لیے پکی سمجھو

NRO part 3 ;)


President (40k+ posts)

فوج نہ چاہے تو پورا پاکستان بھی اکٹھا ہو جائے.... کوئی کرسی نہیں چھین سکتا
یہ بات شیخ رشید اور عمران دونوں کو پتا ہے

قادری اگر آگیا ... تو پھر پہلی فلم کا پارٹ ٹو ہوگا
شیخ رشید کے دو تین مہینے پرانے انٹرویو دیکھو.... وہ مارچ اپریل کا ہی ٹائم دے رہا تھا
اب کی بار سومنات پر حملہ کامیاب ہوگا .... لیکن عمران کے ہاتھ پھر کچھ نہیں آنا
:) جنرل صاحب کی مدت... دس سال کے لیے پکی سمجھو

NS is well aware of this fact and that's why has a taken a backseat in governance but front row in plunder!!!


NRO part 3 ;)

ہو سکتا ہے ...... تم بھی ٹھیک سمجھے
عمران کو سمجھنا چاہیے ایک سال مزید صبر کر لے.... اس کی باری آسکتی ہے
جس کام پر اس کو شیخ رشید لگا رہا ہے..... اگلے دس سال بھی نہیں آنی
:) فوج کی حکومت ہوگی ...... نواز پھر مظلوم بن جائے گا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Isn't it ironic that you are asking him to not repeat the mistakes of the past and then making the same mistake of hoping that IK will mend his ways and will smarten up.

He does the same things over and over and over again and expects different results.

Just admit it that his only qualities are that he is sincere and not financially corrupt. But when it comes to politics and knowing when to seize the opportunity when it presents itself he is the ultimate stupid!

He is a lost case.

I heard IK saying in an interview that people come to me n give me advice on politics .........a person who has not even contested will come up n advice me abt wt to do n I laugh at the person's naivety caz I hv invested more than 20 yrs in active politics...............mrk123 he does hv a point there


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
You are not aware about the true facts and what these three people done.
-They open offshore companies in the name of Sharifs
- Last month they pressurized PM son to admit ownership of these companies.
Pakistani government must investigate how these people move funds to Panama to malign Sharifs.

اپریل کے آخری ہفتے میں.... قادری صاحب بھی آرہے ہیں
پاناما لیک کا .... ان تینوں کو پہلے ہی پتا لگ گیا تھا
:) اس لیے کلکتہ میں سارے پلان بنے.... ایک دھرنا اور ہوگا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Isn't it ironic that you are asking him to not repeat the mistakes of the past and then making the same mistake of hoping that IK will mend his ways and will smarten up.

He does the same things over and over and over again and expects different results.

Just admit it that his only qualities are that he is sincere and not financially corrupt. But when it comes to politics and knowing when to seize the opportunity when it presents itself he is the ultimate stupid!

He is a lost case.

Power politics is very strange buisness we don't even know wt goes behind the scene,,,,,,,,,,,,only wishful thinking n TUKKA LAGANA


You are not aware about the true facts and what these three people done.
-They open offshore companies in the name of Sharifs
- Last month they pressurized PM son to admit ownership of these companies.
Pakistani government must investigate how these people move funds to Panama to malign Sharifs.

ماروں گھٹنا پھوٹے آنکھ .... تم پہلے سیریلک چھوڑو ,,, پھر بڑوں کی بات میں حصہ لینا
میں یہاں نواز کی پانامہ لیک کو ڈیفنڈ نہیں کر رہا .... جو ہونے جا رہا اس پر بات ہو رہی ہے


President (40k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
اپریل کے آخری ہفتے میں.... قادری صاحب بھی آرہے ہیں
پاناما لیک کا .... ان تینوں کو پہلے ہی پتا لگ گیا تھا
:) اس لیے کلکتہ میں سارے پلان بنے.... ایک دھرنا اور ہوگا
hahahaha though a laughing stock but i must give it to you, good one


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
For you its more import to discourage people talking about crime not the crime itself. During Memo gate scandal what was reaction of PMLN?
Why not opposition expose corrupt family of Pakistan?

ماروں گھٹنا پھوٹے آنکھ .... تم پہلے سیریلک چھوڑو ,,, پھر بڑوں کی بات میں حصہ لینا
میں یہاں نواز کی پانامہ لیک کو ڈیفنڈ نہیں کر رہا .... جو ہونے جا رہا اس پر بات ہو رہی ہے
