how to controll the coruption and miss management


New Member
first of all i would like to advice people of pakistan that please never loose hope and always be hope full , just do justice to your vote and i can give you gurantee that when u will do that u will see pakistan rising and shining like a sun in the sky, secondly my suggestion to the all administration authorities in pakistan that change the punishment system in pakistan. and my suggestion is stat fining instead of beating people that will create a kind of fear in people which will automatically rest in two things
1. will generate revenuoe
2. will create fear in people and will stop them doing crimes
3. after having that punishment it will not make criminals like our jail system is doing right know people commit crimes and then when they r caught then put in jail and when they come out from jail and the jail make them like professional criminals

please i would suggest aftab iqbal to discuss this in his show khabarnak because its a famous show and may be this idea is put more forward