Hilarious Indian Media - Response After losing to Pak - MUST


Hi guys,

I know, there is a thread exist already on cricket highlights but these videos are so funny I wanted all of you to watch it...LOL so check these out and respond :P



Councller (250+ posts)
Wow Indian media is too sentimental. Just because they lost against Pakistan does not mean they do not deserve to be in the Champions League. Media should be supportive, its a game one team has to lose unless its a draw :) . India has been playing good cricket recently. Anyways, this is not the first time I have seen such dramatic news from Indian media as if they have been disgraced in front of the whole world.

The match was very thrilling though :)


It is very refreshing to see, Instead of making fun, our posters actually siding the indian team. Indian media is quite childish indeed. I remember when the mumbai incident happened, the same channel actullay made a whole movie showing how it all happend.

for god sake's its not a movie...lol.. you will see bollywood influence in everything in india haha


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
"beech yuuud kay hee hathyaar gawa diyay" This is too funny!!! Btw, the background music for Tendulkar's shoulder injury is too much!!! You can sue that channel for that! All in all, there is nothing new in these videos...their media is 10X times the size of FOX news...


MPA (400+ posts)
this is so bad response from indian media win or lose is not in hands of players its depend on luck this is insult of players ....


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
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I believe this is the indian news channel "aajtak". I have a few Indian friends, even they are embaressed of this channel.

This channel is a joke


MPA (400+ posts)
Really this is just too harsh, sentimental and unreasonable. Oversensationalism at it's best. First they make them into super heroes they are not, then tear them apart when they can't perform bollywood style.


Minister (2k+ posts)
hahaha indian media is so pethetic.... Indians hagne moothne se le kar khane peene tak har cheez mae Bollywood ki naqal karte haen....

When i watch indian news channels i suggest one word "CHILDESH".... they are halarious.... they always live in fantasy..


There were some amazing scenes in Pakistan Streets after the match. :D



KARACHI - The whole of Pakistan erupted with joy when the home side defeated arch rivals India in the ICC Champions Trophy clash late Saturday night.

Thousands of jubilant cricket fans came out on the streets in cities like Karachi, Hyderabad, and Lahore to celebrate Pakistans second win over India in any major ICC event.

Youngsters were seen doing Bhangra and chanting slogans, while some enthusiasts performed stunts on their motorbikes.

Meanwhile, captain Younis Khan congratulated the team on the famous win, saying it was the joint effort by the team that saw them defeating India by a huge margin of 54 runs.

Khan showered praise on the performer of the match Shoaib Malik for his brilliant innings of 128 runs.

We had planned to mount a big ask against strong Indian side which we did successfully while it was made possible by the memorable innings smashed by Shoaib Malik (128) and speedy by Muhammad Yousuf (87), The News quoted Khan, as saying.

He said the team would give its all to repeat the performance against Australia. (ANI)




Indian Prediction went wrong



Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Guys waiting for ur response



Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Guys waiting for ur response

Speechless, Poor indians


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Guys waiting for ur response

I found quite a few hilarious clips of indian media ...here is another one
