Hasan Nisar: Decide whether you want Pakistan or Nawaz Sharif's family(PMLN)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Wah, well said. Either choose PMLN or Pakistan. Agar ye bach gaye to or kuch nahi bachega. If PMLN wins this time, there would be no Pakistan left. Pakistan will become the next Nigeria or any poverty ridden African country.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Question should be like this Are with establishment or against them
Mr Danishwer where is your Madray millat.. pls go and bring her here. You also change your Daniswari as per umpire.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Question should be like this Are with establishment or against them
Mr Danishwer where is your Madray millat.. pls go and bring her here. You also change your Daniswari as per umpire.

Where is your proof?

Establishment has been supporting PMLN and Nawaz is the product of establishment. After 30+ years of the oppressive reign of these traitors, Pakistani nation is waking up (not fully sadly) and want to choose a person that can rid us of these Zalimeen and the narrative suddenly is establishment is helping Imran Khan?

Maybe whatever Emaan you had is lost but let me remind you. Firon ruled for so many years and there was no end to his tyrannical rule and when he saw his end near, he said Moses (A.S) was a magician (Nauzbillah) - Does all this sound familiar? - but Allah puts a stop to every oppressive ruler. You think Nawaz Sharif is different or you are different but every zalim will meet its end. Eventually, the cries of the poor oppressed people are heard and Zalimeen are wiped off the earth.

Maybe PMLN has lost faith in Allah so much that they foolishly think they can rule Pakistan forever, that they can suck the blood of the poor forever. NOOOOOOO. At the first sign of defeat, they think establishment is responsible for their defeat. Have you forgotten that there is Allah that is watching all this?

You think i am happy having to leave Pakistan to fly to another country for a better life, no i am not. I have prayed and every innocent poor Pakistani prays, you think prayers are wasted by Allah?

Go on, keep on thinking buddy that establishment is doing this to you and you are right. The only establishment is Allah and Allah is doing this all.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Where is your proof?

Establishment has been supporting PMLN and Nawaz is the product of establishment. After 30+ years of the oppressive reign of these traitors, Pakistani nation is waking up (not fully sadly) and want to choose a person that can rid us of these Zalimeen and the narrative suddenly is establishment is helping Imran Khan?

Maybe whatever Emaan you had is lost but let me remind you. Firon ruled for so many years and there was no end to his tyrannical rule and when he saw his end near, he said Moses (A.S) was a magician (Nauzbillah) - Does all this sound familiar? - but Allah puts a stop to every oppressive ruler. You think Nawaz Sharif is different or you are different but every zalim will meet its end. Eventually, the cries of the poor oppressed people are heard and Zalimeen are wiped off the earth.

Maybe PMLN has lost faith in Allah so much that they foolishly think they can rule Pakistan forever, that they can suck the blood of the poor forever. NOOOOOOO. At the first sign of defeat, they think establishment is responsible for their defeat. Have you forgotten that there is Allah that is watching all this?

You think i am happy having to leave Pakistan to fly to another country for a better life, no i am not. I have prayed and every innocent poor Pakistani prays, you think prayers are wasted by Allah?

Go on, keep on thinking buddy that establishment is doing this to you and you are right. The only establishment is Allah and Allah is doing this all.

Go on, keep on thinking buddy that establishment is doing this to you and you are right. The only establishment is Allah and Allah is doing this all.
Wish this happened in Pakistan, before 2013 Election Khan also give same statement, that agencies and Army is full involved in election process. I
full believed that 2008 for PPP and 2013 for PMLN. and now for PTI. In Sha Alah time will prove.
Maybe PMLN has lost faith in Allah Not only PMLN, all parties lost faith, if Imran have faith in Allah and then on his youth, he never trust on corrupted electable... How many time he claim that he never ever take these corrupted politician's then ?? A tuse and wise leader always stand on his wrods, he should think twice and then give statement, and how many time he blames on other without any proof.

My words about Mr. Nisar, that he called Reham Khan Madray millat when she with in IK Nikkah, and he saw all problem in her...

Most of words and point will proved by time, No body can predicts, always one request pls argue with words, not by abusive language.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Enough about PTI. Our supreme court has called Imran Khan Saadiq and Ameen and that makes him an angel in this dirty, morally corrupt nation of Pakistan. When Reham Khan was married to IK, nobody knew the kind of dirty woman she was inside the beautiful exterior. Until she published this book and showed her true character. Same way, nobody knew the kind of Munafiq and scumbag Nawaz Sharif was until Panamaleaks exposed him.

These are facts that i know. Nawaz Sharif is a convicted criminal in Adyala jail and he is a friend to India and enemy of our military and Nawaz Sharif tried to change the constitution in regards to our sweet Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). AND YOU ARE DEFENDING HIM.

I am done arguing with you, it's obvious you support criminals and are an enemy to our military and Islam. Everyday India martyrs our innocent youngsters and Nawaz Sharif is busy making the life of our army difficult. Shame on him and shame on you.

If establishment is finally supporting a Muslim, a fearless man who the indian army is afraid of, i am all for it. Let the establishment stab you in the face and every supporter of the criminal Nawaz so Imran Khan can win.

Disgusting narrative. Imran Khan struggled for 22 years and when the win is finally close, these scumbags want to throw dirt on his honest struggle. Remember this crooks

Say, "O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent.

Surah Ali Imran: 26

Only Allah took sovereignty from Nawaz Sharif and Only Allah will give sovereignty to Imran Khan InshaAllah. Disgusting people, have you forgotten about Allah? Is your faith so weak that you think army is the only powerful entity and you have forgotten about Allah?

Disgusting scum
