Good News .... We might get computerized voterlists this time...


Senator (1k+ posts)
This might be the end of traditional political parties... Inshallah...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Great News for PTI
It will be a sad day for MQM if it actually happens and new ID cards are used for voting
All of a sudden 30000 votes from each MQM constituency will wipe out.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Brothers i dont want to spoil your joy..
Did u know NADRA CNIC were computerised ID CARDS.. YES or NO..
How many FAKE IDs just discovered by SUPREME COURT..
Brothers these ELITES & HIDDEN HAND will not let real PEOPLE VOICE heard..
Trust me..
Even USA Elites & Hidden Hand use COMPUTERISED VOTING (which many people feel that they are flawless) to cheat & change results for their gains.
So keep fighting for this right, but beware of frauds..


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why do they need to go door to door when they have the complete NADRA database? Cant they make voter lists from it?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Why do they need to go door to door when they have the complete NADRA database? Cant they make voter lists from it?

I guess the addresses of the residents are not updated in the current system, they should come up with a regulation that should require citizens to update their address within a certain time period, when they move to a different addresss.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Great News for PTI
It will be a sad day for MQM if it actually happens and new ID cards are used for voting
All of a sudden 30000 votes from each MQM constituency will wipe out.
Ur thinking is just restricted against MQM as usual..