German Minister: Obama Friend Qatar Is Financing ISIS


Via Al Arabiya:

Germanys development aid minister, Gerd Mueller, on Wednesday accused Qatar of financing the militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

A story like this always has a history, he said in an interview with public broadcaster ZDF.

Who is financing these troops? Hint: Qatar, he added.

Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel this week urged a debate about who has been and is financing ISIS, but without naming any countries.

Meanwhile, Germany said it is ready to send weapons to support Iraqi Kurds in their battle against ISIS, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said.

It is a controversial issue for Germany which, burdened by its history of aggression in two world wars, has often been reluctant to send troops into foreign conflicts and which as a rule does not send weapons into war zones.

Qatar has risen in the eyes of the U.S under Obamas regime, despite their very clear role in helping terror financing. Qatar supposedly is supposed to help insure that the 5 Taliban commanders released in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl are not resorting to terrorism during their year in Qatar. Fat chance.



US 'set to launch air strikes' on senior Isis terror chiefs in Syria


US 'set to launch air strikes' on senior Isis terror chiefs in Syria
White House will 'take action' against threats as Turkey comes under pressure to halt flow of jihadists across its border

The United States was said to be considering air strikes aimed at eliminating individual leaders of Islamic State as Turkey came under mounting pressure to stem the flow of jihadists across its border into Syria.

As Washington on Saturday debated extending air strikes into Syria, senior British politicians urged Ankara to act to block recruits from the UK and other countries from entering Syria via Turkey, en route to joining Islamic State (formerly Isis). This weekend large numbers of Isis jihadists were trying to secure greater control of the border area, pushing northwards in armoured trucks looted from abandoned Iraqi military bases.

Isis wants to establish dominance in the area to make it easier for potential recruits to gain safe passage and to allow the movement of vital supplies, including weapons and oil. The route has been used by most of the foreign fighters who have joined the cause, and is believed to have been taken by several hundred of those who have joined Isis from the UK.

US officials said that there was now a "new context" for confronting Isis and cutting off its supply routes following the beheading of US journalist James Foley. In a sign that Washington may widen the field of its air strikes, the White House said it was ready to "take action" against any threat to America in Iraq or Syria. US military officials confirmed on Saturday night it had carried out an air strike against Isis near the Mosul Dam to support Iraqi and Kurdish operations.

Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said before the strike: "If we see plotting against Americans, if we see a threat to the US emanating from anywhere, we stand ready to take action against that threat. We have made it very clear time and again that if you come after Americans, we're going to come after you, wherever you are and that's what's going to guide our planning in the days to come."

According to US military officials cited in the Wall Street Journal, the time needed to mount strikes at high-value targets, such as individual leaders, could be an hour, or "as much as a week". The official added: "If it's based on training camps, we could do that pretty soon." Similar briefings cited by the New York Times suggested officials were discussing the possibility of mounting unmanned drone strikes on Isis leaders, as has happened in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.

Islamic State declared itself a "caliphate" in late June and has since added large parts of northern Iraq to territory it already held in eastern Syria.

President Barack Obama authorised air raids in Iraq two weeks ago to help regional Kurdish and Iraqi forces fighting Isis in the country's north. If Washington widened its attacks to extremists in Syria, this would mark a turning point, ending its hands-off approach to the country's civil war.

EU countries have for weeks been putting pressure on Turkey to do more to seal its border. Because Ankara has wanted to oust President Bashar al-Assad from control in Syria, Turkey has kept its border open to jihadists who oppose him, including Isis fighters, and this has allowed the area to become a safe haven over the past three years. While the Turks now say that Isis is no longer welcome, Ankara has not sent in troops in large numbers to patrol the border.

Meanwhile, senior UK politicians called for greater pressure to be exerted on Turkey via the European Union and Nato of which Turkey is a member. Former Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell said that Turkey had a "vital role to play in preventing the free passage of jihadists travelling to join Islamic State".

Campbell, a member of the House of Commons intelligence and security committee, said there should be a "full-scale diplomatic initiative" to draw Turkey closer towards the EU, and moves to offer it a faster route towards membership in return for its full cooperation in the fight against Isis.

Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander said: "People and arms continue to move across the Turkish border with Syria, and Turkey, a Nato ally, has a key role to play in developing a more effective regional response to Isis. The priority now must be for Turkey to offer guarantees to its partners and allies that it is taking the necessary steps to uphold its responsibilities to secure key border areas that represent a vital front in the struggle to contain, disrupt and defeat Isis."

Foreign secretary Philip Hammond has not explicitly ruled out supporting a policy of US air strikes but sources say there is no prospect of the UK taking part. Campbell said UK participation would need the approval of parliament, as well as UN backing.

On Saturday, the UN called for a concerted effort to end the siege of Amerli, a town 110 miles north of Baghdad which is encircled by Isis jihadists. The town is home to 18,000 Turkmen people who, as Shias, are directly targeted by supporters of Isis, who consider them apostates.

Downing Street said that David Cameron, who warned a week ago that Isis was an "exceptionally dangerous" movement which represented a generational threat, would remain on holiday in Cornwall until the middle of this week. After news of the beheading of James Foley broke, he returned from Cornwall to London to chair emergency meetings, but then returned to his family.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Thanks for sharing. No doubt. US will hit Assad on pretext of targeting ISIS. This is another twist to the war. Just see what games USA is playing to eliminate ASSAD. On strike will directed to ASAS palace and later on it will be declared a mistake. That's the plan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Thanks for sharing. No doubt. US will hit Assad on pretext of targeting ISIS. This is another twist to the war. Just see what games USA is playing to eliminate ASSAD. On strike will directed to ASAS palace and later on it will be declared a mistake. That's the plan.
eliminate ASSAD?.... [hilar][hilar]

Mechanical Monster

Senator (1k+ posts)
یہ سچ ہے کہ قطر کے حلیفہ کی مسلکی دہشت گردی کسی سے چھپی نہیں. میں اس حلیفہ کے دہشت گردوں کی حمایت کے بارے میں تحریر دو سال سے پڑھ رہا ہوں. اکثر رائیٹر اسے "قطر کا حبی ث حلیفہ " لکھتا ہے.
انصاف ختم ہو چکا ہے بس کسی کی حمایت کرنے کے لئے اتنا ہی کافی ہے کہ وہ محالف فرقے کے لوگوں کو مار رہا ہے. اس فورم پر بھی کچھ لوگ دایش کو ظالم مانتے ہیں پھر بھی کہتے ہیں کہ یہ محالف فرقے کو قتل کر کے اچھا کام کر رہی ہے.

مساجد میں جب خود کش حملے ہوتے تھے تو کچھ لوگوں کو میں نے یہ کہتے سنا ہے کہ "یہ ظالم امر تھا لیکن اس حملے میں دس "محالف فرقے کے لوگ" بھی جہنم واصل ہوے ہیں" اس سے لوگوں کے عدل کا بحوبی اندازہ لگایا جا سکتا ہے.
حضرت علی نے ایک دفعہ فرمایا تھا کہ؛" قیامت قریب ہے لیکن قیامت سے قریب تر موت ہے" یعنی گناہ کرنے سے پہلے سوچ لو کہ قیامت اے گی تو حساب دینا ہے بلکے تمہارے پاس صرف اپنی موت تک کا ٹائم ہے اس کے بعد حساب شروع ہو جائے گا. کوئی بیوقوف ہی ہو گا جو اپنی موت کو بھول کر ظلم کے راستے پر چل پڑے
Last edited:


Senator (1k+ posts)
جرمنی کی قطر سے داعش کی مالی مدد کے الزام پر معذرت
جمعہ 25 شوال 1435هـ - 22 اگست 2014م

ایک جرمن وزیر نے قطر پر داعش کی مالی معاونت کا الزام کیا تھا

برلن ۔ ایجنسیاں
جرمنی نے اپنے ایک وزیر کے قطر کے خلاف سخت گیر جنگجو گروپ دولت اسلامی عراق وشام (داعش) کی مالی معاونت سے متعلق الزامی بیان پر معذرت کی ہے۔ ایک جرمن وزیر نے دو روز قبل دعویٰ کیا تھا کہ قطر داعش کی مالی اعانت کر رہا ہے۔
جرمن وزارت خارجہ کے ترجمان نے جمعہ کو ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ ''اگر اس بیان سے کوئی غلط فہمی پیدا ہوئی ہے تو ہم اس پر معذرت خواہ ہیں''۔جرمنی کے ترقیاتی امداد کے وزیر جرڈ میولر نے بدھ کو سرکاری ریڈیو سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ''میں اس طرح کی اطلاع کے بارے میں آگاہ نہیں ہوں''۔
میولر نے بدھ کو سرکاری نشریاتی ادارے زیڈ ڈی ایف ریڈیو سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ ''اس طرح کی اسٹوری کی ہمیشہ ایک تاریخ ہوتی ہے۔ان دستوں کی کون مالی معاونت کر رہا ہے؟اشارہ :قطر''۔
قطر نے اس الزام کی تردید کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ وہ سخت گیر داعش کے جنگجوؤں کی ہرگز بھی مالی معاونت نہیں کررہا ہے۔میولر کی وزارت کی خاتون ترجمان نے ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ انھوں نے صرف پریس رپورٹس کا حوالہ دیا تھا اور کوئی ٹھوس الزام عاید نہیں کیا تھا۔
وزارت خارجہ کے ترجمان نے جمعہ کو ایک نیوز کانفرنس میں کہا ہے کہ قطری حکومت نے دوحہ میں جرمن سفارت خانے سے وزیر کے اس بیان پر بات چیت کی ہے۔ہم نے قطری حکومت کو بتایا ہے کہ ''وفاقی حکومت کے لیے قطر ہمارا شراکت دار ہے جس کے ساتھ ہم مختلف طریقوں سے مل کر کام کررہے ہیں۔اس کے باوجود اگر ہماری ایک جیسی رائے نہ ہو تو کچھ سوالات بھی اٹھائے جاتے ہیں''۔
ترجمان نے کہا کہ ''جرمنی کے قطر کے ساتھ اچھے اور دوستانہ تعلقات استوار ہیں۔انھوں نے قطر کو ایک اہم علاقائی کھلاڑی قرار دیا ہے''۔
جرمن وزیرخارجہ فرینک والٹر اسٹینمئیر نے اسی ہفتے کہا ہے کہ ان کا ملک شمالی عراق میں داعش کے خلاف کرد سکیورٹی فورسز کو ہتھیار مہیا کرنے کو تیار ہیں۔واضح رہے کہ جرمنی نے دوعالمی جنگوں میں جارحیت کی تاریخ کی وجہ سے حالیہ برسوں کے دوران کسی بھی ملک میں فوجی مداخلت نہیں کی ہے اور نہ اس نے پہلے کبھی جنگ زدہ علاقوں میں ہتھیار بھیجے ہیں۔


Senator (1k+ posts)
Gazans Leave War Zone Homes to Fight in Iraq

Gazans Leave War Zone Homes to Fight With ISIS
Gazans are showing up in Islamic State forces in Syria and Iraq
Author: Rachael Levy Posted: 08/21/14 12:40 EDT
Deep Web Reporting By: Gilad Shiloach and Amit Weiss!bJasZu
In the wake of James Foleys death, there is a renewed focus on foreigners traveling to war zones to fight alongside militant groups. British Prime Minister David Cameron returned home from a vacation to deal with questions over the seemingly British ISIS member who took a knife to the U.S. reporters throat. Other jihadis from around Europe have become extremely active on social media, attracting the attention of journalists worldwide.
Among the ISIS ranks are a number of fighters from peaceful European countries, including Belgium and the Netherlands. Meeting them when they arrive in Syria and Iraq are a growing number of Gazans. There is no shortage of war and conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories, of course, but Gazans are still making their way to foreign conflicts to fight alongside the notorious and brutal Islamic State, known as ISIS.
Vocativ reported last month on ISIS evolving presence in Sinai and the Gaza Strip, and groups from that area have expressed their philosophical support for ISIS since early 2014. Palestinian refugees (500,000 of whom were living in Syria when the conflict there erupted) were drawn into Syrias conflict early on, but it now appears that groups that have pledged loyalty to ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi are sending representatives into the heart of the ISIS battlefield, and individual Gazans are also joining the fight of their own volition.


Among those Gazans known to have died in battle with ISIS are a number who hail from Rafah, Nuseirat and Jabalia and have fallen in Homs and Aleppo in Syria and Samara in Iraq.
According to ISIS forums and official social media accounts, two of the Gazans who have been killed in action recently were from Sinai-based Ansar Beit al-Maqdis and Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamia. The men had traveled to Iraq as official representatives of those groups to fight in Syria alongside ISIS.


The Ansar al-Dawlas groups Twitter account posted a short eulogy for one of those representatives, Muhammad Naif al-Qarinawi. Al-Qarinawi was an engineer from Nuseirat, a refugee camp in central Gaza, and he fought under the nom de guerre Abi al-Bara al-Ghazi. Abi al-Bara was sent to Syria to bring his operational expertise, especially in explosives engineering, to ISIS. Al-Bara reportedly died just outside Homs on July 26 during an ISIS military operation in which a 2,000-man force mounted an attack on the Shaer gas field. Fighting at the gas field continued for 10 days, after which it was eventually recaptured by the Syrian military.
[h=4]08/09/14 10:13 UTC@BENTAYMIA[/h]
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Beit al-Maqdis representative Ali Samir Abu al-Ainin was originally from Rafah and also died on July 26. He died in Samara, Iraq, the site of the 2006 bombing of a Shiite shrine that plunged the country into a violent sectarian war. In late July, ISIS began targeting roads and installations in Samara, which is thought to be groups next big target in its attempt to push southward toward Baghdad.
[h=4]08/10/14 19:09 UTC@BENTAYMIA[/h]#مركز_ابن_تيمية_للإعلام يحتسب عند الله الشهيد المهاجر: أبو ذر الغزي - علي سمير أبو العينين من رفح _ واستشهد في العراق
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Other Gazans are apparently heading to foreign conflict zones, and several have been killed in the heart of ISIS battles in Syria, although its unclear on which side they were fighting. At least two Gazans were killed last fall. Amer Abu al-Ghula, also from the Nusirat refugee camp, died in Aleppo, Syria, in a battle with Hezbollah.

Wissam el-Attal, a 37-year-old dentist from Jabalia, fought in Syria for 11 months. According to his family, Wissam traveled from Gaza to Turkey, from where he crossed illegally into Syrian territory. El-Attal eventually carried out a suicide bombing in Aleppo. Before doing so, he published a YouTube video in which he said goodbye to his family: To my parents and family, thank you for your patience and for treating me so good. I know that you all will be sad, but you have to be happy because I am going up to heaven.

[h=4]UPLOADED BY: مركز ابن تيمية للإعلام[/h]

As ISIS continues to make gains in Iraq and Syria, it seems clear that it will continue to recruit not only supporters but activists and operatives as well. Local reports suggest that 6,000 fighters joined its ranks in July alone, 1,000 of whom were classed as foreign, with the remainder joining from Syria. The group posted that it is actively looking for coordinators in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and is likely to expand its operations in the Palestinian arena.
[h=2]ISIS Gaza Battalion Firing Rockets in Syria[/h]
[h=4]UPLOADED BY: سرية الشيخ أبو النور المقدسي[/h]