GEO caught Zardari Swiss Case/RangeHathon PherLIYA? VIDEO


MPA (400+ posts)

Take it Over Dr Shahid...............................................

Is it Zardari Trial by GEO ..... ??? Nation don't think SO !!



Minister (2k+ posts)
Yeh move se sabit ho gaya ke chor ki darhi me tinka..................

I sure Zardari is corrupt and he must kik out from his post and must see a trial in court of pakistan opp to people of pakistan or un ki aankho par se parda uthe.....
Lanat ho in leaders per Khuda ki........................


I would like to ask that what is the creditability left for Wajid shum-ul-Hasan. How he responded to the Geo reporter..he was stunned and could not catch up his breath.

I strongly believe that the move to remove evidence is very calculated and this will be start of the defamation of PPP coming days...
We all pray that May Allah bless our people with his divine support and bring to justice those who have been looting our country ever since. regards


Senator (1k+ posts)
Evidence Removed From Swiss Lawyer's Office

Wajid [Shamsul Hasan] carried out mission in Geneva - secret operation
caught on [video] tape by Geo [News TV] team - NAB [illegally] says
money laundering case has lost its importance.


GENEVA, Switzerland, 2 December 2009 (The News International) - The
[Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) corrupt and tyrannical] government has
succeeded in [unlawfully] removing from a [Swiss] lawyer's office
evidences of the cases against [Pakistan's] influential personalities
[including PPP corrupt traitor Asif Ali Zardari] filed in the Swiss
courts and [illegally] withdrawn by the Musharraf regime under the
[illegal] NRO [National Robbers Ordinance of Pakistan].

The proofs, stuffed in 12 cartons, collected by spending [Pakistani
taxpayers'] millions of dollars to take cases filed by Islamabad in
the Geneva courts to their logical conclusion, have reached the
[unlawful] custody of the Pakistan [PPP] government at last.

Former [illegal] president Pervez Musharraf had [unlawfully] withdrawn
the cases being heard in a Geneva court after signing the [unlawful]
National Robbers Ordinance (NRO) [of 5 October 2007]. However, the
record was kept by the [Swiss] lawyers appointed by the [corrupt and
tyrannical] Musharraf government.

After the [Pakistan] Supreme Court's [illegal] directive to get all
[unlawful] ordinances [of illegal president Musharraf] passed from
Parliament, the [PPP] government could not dare to table the
[unlawful] NRO in the [National] Assembly because it lacked majority.
However, former [Swiss] lawyer 'Jack P' was asked to hand over the
proofs. The lawyer refused to oblige, saying that an important
personality [PPP corrupt tyrant Asif Ali Zardari] is accused in these
cases and according to Swiss law he could keep this proofs with him
for 10 years. The [Pakistan] Government replaced its lawyer and
appointed John J. Brunt as the new lawyer who got the proofs from the
former lawyer.

Pakistan [PPP corrupt] High Commissioner in London Wajid Shamsul Hasan
and former Deputy Attorney General Danishwar Malik were given the
responsibility to take this proof from new lawyer John J. Brunt and
destroy it.

Danishwar Malik arrived in London [UK] and along with Wajid Shamsul
Hasan reached Geneva [Switzerland] by British Airways flight BA 734 on
Sunday evening. Nine AM [Monday, 30 November 2009] was the time agreed
to take the documents from the [Swiss] lawyer. They reached the
lawyer's office by the [Pakistan] Embassy's Nissan car No. 453 CD-GE
while keeping their eyes on the surroundings and adopting different
routes. After they examined the record of the proofs, the lawyer
refused to give them possession of 12 cartons of documents unless they
called a responsible officer of the [Pakistan] Embassy. Then a First
Secretary of the [Pakistan] Embassy reached there by car No. 253 CD-
GE. After one hour, these cartons started shifting from the lawyer's
office to the [Pakistan] Embassy car No. 453 CD-GE.

After its recording, Geo News [television] questioned Wajid Shamsul
Hasan on what he was carrying in those cartons which he received from
the [Swiss] lawyer. The visibly perturbed and nervous Wajid Shamsul
Hasan said he knew nothing about the matter. Asked what he was doing
in the lawyer's office since the morning, Wajid [Shamsul Hasan] chose
to walk away instead of replying to the question.

Danishwar Malik also expressed his ignorance about the issue when he
was asked the same question. He also walked towards Wajid Shamsul
Hasan, advising the [Geo News TV] reporter to contact the [Pakistan]
Embassy staff in this regard.

The First Secretary also refused to answer on-camera questions but
after an assurance that the camera was switched off, he said he was
unaware of the matter.

A diplomatic office-holder in a nearby bar told Geo [News TV] that
their cartons contain all the original proofs of the Swiss cases.

Meanwhile, a NAB [Pakistan's National Accountability Bureau] [illegal]
announcement said that the Swiss money laundering case was finished
and now it has no importance. He said no secret operation was launched
to get the proofs. He said case documents were the property of the
[Pakistan] government. He said the [Pakistan] government had to pay
till the [Swiss] lawyer kept the documents. He said [Pakistan Embassy]
officials received the documents.

When contacted, [PPP corrupt] presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar
said he was unaware of the whole issue. He [maliciously] charged that
a specific section of the media was involved in a heinous campaign
against [PPP corrupt] president [Asif Ali] Zardari.

Geo News [TV] broke the news of the [PPP] government's taking over the
evidences of the cases against [Pakistan's] influential [corrupt]
personalities in the Swiss courts.

A special team of Geo [News TV] reached Geneva for that purpose and
interviewed Pakistan's ambassadors and officers. A Geo [News TV]
report also showed footage of Pakistani citizens carrying the cartons.


Mysterious Shifting of Swiss Case Documents

GENEVA, Switzerland, 1 December 2009 (The News International) -
Pakistani [PPP corrupt] High Commissioner in Britain Wajid Shamsul
Hasan headed a secret operation in Geneva [Switzerland] and received
at least 12 cartons comprising the original documents and evidences
against some Pakistani high-ups [including PPP corrupt dictator Asif
Ali Zardari] in Swiss money laundering case, Geo News [TV] reported

According to Geo News [TV] correspondent, the Prosecutor General of
Pakistan deposited these cartons in Geneva in the era of former
[unlawful] president Pervez Musharraf.

The sources said the secret operation was carried out at the bidding
of a top [criminal] personality of Pakistan [Asif Ali Zardari], as
these evidences could be used if Swiss money laundering case is
reopened since the [illegal] National Robbers Ordinance (NRO) term has
come to an end.

The sources at Pakistan Embassy said if the concerned [Pakistan
Government] officials or the [Pakistan] courts do not interfere by
taking [all] the evidences back from Wajid [Shamsul Hasan], then these
documents would be wasted for good.

The secret operation began at 9 a.m. on Monday [30 November 2009] when
Wajid [Shamsul Hasan] arrived in Pakistan High Commission's car along
with NAB's senior official [Prosecutor General] Danishwar Malik at the
[Swiss lawyer's] office in Geneva.

According to sources, the [Swiss lawyer] kept refusing to give the
documents for some hours, as nobody from Pakistan Embassy was formally
receiving them.

It should be mentioned here that after the [promulgation of unlawful]
NRO, these cases were [illegally] closed. However, now that the term
of [illegal] NRO is over, it is all the more likely that these cases
could be reopened and these evidences could be employed against
Pakistan's high [psychopathic] personality [Asif Ali Zardari].

Geo News [TV] team secretly filmed the whole episode from an
undisclosed location after receiving tip-off from reliable sources.

The sources in Geneva told Geo News [TV] that Wajid Shamsul Hasan is
arriving in Geneva from London, so that these documents could be
destroyed or shifted to some safer place.

The Pakistan Embassy in Geneva [Switzerland] was kept aloof from the

Geo News [TV] Correspondent Javed Kanwal approached Wajid [Shamsul
Hasan] and Danishwar [Malik], as both of them appeared from the [Swiss
lawyer's] office. Both of them looked perturbed at the presence of Geo
News [TV] reporter there.

When approached for comments, [PPP criminal] presidential spokesman
Farhatullah Babar said he is absolutely unaware of any such operation;
however, he [falsely] asserted a portion of media is victimizing [PPP
corrupt] president Asif Ali Zardari with its heinous campaign.

The high-ups in Interior Ministry [led by PPP corrupt traitors A.
Rehman Malik and Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi] also said they are not abreast
of any such report, adding the matter relates to the NAB and Law


(1) Most of 100 Billion Rupees Loans illegally Written Off Under
Corrupt Tyranny of Pervez Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz

Bank of Punjab Scam May Engulf former Corrupt Rulers and Bureaucrats
of Punjab, Pakistan

(2) List of Assets and Corruption Records of Asif Ali Zardari (Mr. 10
Percent) ... on-records

Zardari Fraudia Video Song:

(3) PPP Corrupt Minister for Water & Power Raja Pervaiz Ashraf Buys
Flat in London, UK, for 4.3 Million British Pounds ... -in-london

Allotment of State Land in Karachi, Pakistan, to Land Mafia at Very
Low Prices by the Sindh Corrupt Tyranny Being Probed

(4) Terror of Blackwater USA (Xe Services) and DynCorp International
in Pakistan ... n-pakistan



MPA (400+ posts)
@Ali bin Zahid

thnx for commenting

don't you think the Political Actors have totally lost their RESPECT ??
don't you think WSH must commit suicide on this 'such a shameful' involvement
in the act against National Interests ??


Voter (50+ posts)
Only some self respecting human being would commit suicide, after being digraced so openly. I don't think these scum bags have moral courage to do that. We must find some way to get rid of these blood sucking parasites. How shameful.


watch this khalil ramday and aitrzaz having secret meeting in Switzerland.
its always happens ,politician ,army, and especially judiciary(CJ AND RAMDAY) nobody is GEO is fighting back ,as they think they are the real power after army .
hope we will see these kind of stories really soon (but only those stories which goes in the favour of GEO and so called independent judiciary ).


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ShakirQureshi said:
@nokhan, thnx
do you have any real story whay they met ??

I proved something about both of them ....

Watch these two videos...Would you please like to raise these points raised by me in your article ??

Thanking you in advance




ShakirQureshi said:
@nokhan, thnx
do you have any real story whay they met ??
so you think its not a real story,and why they met in Switzerland in the midst of CJ case.
conspiracy ! man what else.
CJ, RAMDAY AND AITEZAZ was involve in conspiracy,you don't need to be a motor mechanic to understand that, check the pics,
and read
"One thing, however, is clear that this secret meeting is apparently the violation of the new enforced code of the conduct of the judges that bars any judge meeting any party to any case the judges deal with."
it looks like switzerland is a breeding ground of conspiracy for Pakistani elite,weather its ZARDARI or
IFTIKHAR AND CO.but this time GEO is backing it up for their own interest.