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You do realize there is a sizeable population of Pakistani hindus as well right?yea hindu saray maderchod hai
Taliban could not have taken over this much of area, had local people not with them...India is a spoiler...they are no friends to Afghans...infact they hate Afghanis more than any nation on planet earth, bzc of "Ghazni"...they want to take revenge from Afghan...taken over Afghanistan is one the agenda of Akhand Bharat ideology of indians...Indian do not want peace in Afghanistan and world knows that...World support Govt in AFG that is supported by people of AFG...not by Indian touts...India do not want peace in AFG...its does not support their agenda. Therefore they are inciting Afghan Govt to open other fighting front...but seems AFG Army (most of them) are not ready to fulfil Indian anti muslim agendas...World recognize that, therefore spoiler (i.e India) are left alone, and rightly so..
Taliban could not have taken over this much of area, had local people not with them...India is a spoiler...they are no friends to Afghans...infact they hate Afghanis more than any nation on planet earth, bzc of "Ghazni"...they want to take revenge from Afghan...taken over Afghanistan is one the agenda of Akhand Bharat ideology of indians...Indian do not want peace in Afghanistan and world knows that...World support Govt in AFG that is supported by people of AFG...not by Indian touts...India do not want peace in AFG...its does not support their agenda. Therefore they are inciting Afghan Govt to open other fighting front...but seems AFG Army (most of them) are not ready to fulfil Indian anti muslim agendas...World recognize that, therefore spoiler (i.e India) are left alone, and rightly so..
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