Frank Huzur on Imran Khan, Jemima, the Taleban and writing (An Excellent read)


Senator (1k+ posts)
I was delighted to interview writer Frank Huzur recently. Frank specializes in Indo-Pak political affairs and is incredibly knowledgeable on India, the Afghanistan war and the Taleban. He has a book coming out soon, Imran versus Imran: The UNTOLD STORY, the biography of Imran Khan.

Frank had this to say about the book and then the interview follows:

It has not been a smooth journey across the border. For an Indian national, irrespective of profession-media is more notorious in India-Pakistan for stoking the fire of jingoism and sowing the seed of hatredit is always a thorny affair to travel to each country. I somehow have been fortunate to visit Pakistan seven times in three years. Writing the biography of Imran Khan was, indeed, a powerful motivation. Nevertheless, travelling through different areas, Lahore, Mianwali (ancestral place of Imran Khan and his political constituency) and Islamabadwas always a tough ask, considering the combustible political situation on streets. Terror attacks, hundreds of themquite big in size and casualty, have hit high profile targets, some of them during my visit.

Irrespective of everything, I maintained my focus on the goal, and returned each time armed with a vast range of anecdotes and impressions of Imran Khan and Pakistan politics. People of Pakistan have been very beholden to my literary endeavour and have never discouraged me from probing further into their lives and times.

Imran and his family and friends were very warm and friendly during numerous round of interviews for the biography. His brother-in-law and sisters in Lahore were candid in sharing their side of the story.

Jemima Khan in London was equally considerate and beholden to my requests. She was very forthright in sharing her impressions of Imran. I am indebted to her for taking the interview at her Studio One apartment, Fulham Broadway in April, 2008......................

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MPA (400+ posts)
It would be a great book....would love to know more about Imran Khan.
May Allah keep him safe and give him opportunity to rule in Pakistan.InshAllah

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I wish there was a Pakistani writer to write all these records of history of our own people , though a foriegner doing it is a very good idea too.
Inspite of all my criticism regarding the MO adopted by IK let me acknowledege that I do agree with Frank H. that IK has fueled the imagination of the people of Pakistan, starting from his very first political slogan of 'Accountability' to Free Judiciary, Talk to Taliban, Stop NATO supply lines, Awareness and taking up the issue of AH and cases against him, and generally keeping a good track of the governments.
What I really do appreciate about his approach is that he has never used threatening language or posturing to gain his ends, he has chosen the difficult path of going all the way right way. Best of luck to him.
Having said that i will once again mention that he needs to improve on the task of producing second and third tier leadership to manage smaller isssues.
He should have some intellectuals as his mentors like Quaid-e-Azam had Allama Iqbal.
He needs to start coming out with positive strategies also rather than just keep criticising the governments all the time. People also need to know what he is good for too in a construtive way what to look up to if they elect him for the country?.
