Foxy Shahzadi from Pakistan - Paris !


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Art Car with Drivers...

Vincent Loos is a 39-year-old Frenchman who finished a three year stint at a hospital in Islamabad, Pakistan.

He had a Dream to travel to Paris by road with a beautifully painted VW art car covered in a psychedelic array of flowers, waterfalls and the faces of famous Pakistanis.

He wanted this 6,000 mile trip to be a way to show the world the "softer side" of Pakistan.

Vincent Loos hired Alhabib Ejaz who was the local truck artist who transformed Foxy Shahzadi into one of the most beautiful VW art cars in town for its long journey to Paris. Alhabib Ejaz is an artist who has devoted his entire life to painting those amazing Pakistani art trucks with crazy paint jobs and doilies hanging from the windows and as you can see he did an amazing job !