Syrian conflict is most unfortunate and will certainly lead to mega war not more low grade insurgency
It has been almost more than two decades that Iran is underKhamenei its supreme leader who is powerful enough to have thrown out AhmedNejad the educated chap president of Iran from power even before his term ended. He did not let Rafsajani even stand for elections and calls the shots in Iran.
King Abdullah has been head of this or that in Saudia since 1962.
Syria is perhaps the fourth country after Iraq, Afghanistanand Lebanon where efforts of these two lobbies in support of one or the other party haveled to country's full or partial destruction .
Syria is a Sunni majority country but large scale refugeeissue means that it is on the way to a demographic change permanently ifinternational community does not step in. It is so unfortunate that Assad Regimeis bombarding its own country even Damascus which means that its populace doesnot want him . He and his father have already ruled this country since 1970 andbelong to a sect unknown to Pakistanis called Alawites.This offcourse is an unofficial monarchy of the minority sect .
The role of Iran and Khamenei in Syria conflict is notrespectable at all . Instead of helping both sides to the conflict for a truce, Hizbollah and Iranian revolutionary guards have involved themselves in aserious conflict with claims of atrocities on their part by local populace .
It is not good for Iranian religious leadership to involveitself so intimately with a regime whose standing in trial in Hague for crimesagainst humanity is just a matter of time. If Syria battle enlarges thenIranian Islamic revolution itself might get threatened as this is going to be amega war and Iran is no match for Turkey and Saudia combined .
Mullahs of both sides , be it Saudia and Iran both live in apast world and there is nothing which give Iranian Mullahs or Khameeni any airof modernity or acceptability if they keep on destroying country after countryon trivial power sharing issues.
What is most shocking is that Bashara Assad who has a Sunniwife and who is a UK educated doctor would involve himself with such a sillyand bloody struggle and become an instrument of mullahs of Iran despite beingeducated .
Where is OIC , cannot it save the people of Syria . ShouldPakistan not condemn Gas attack in Damascus . There is no way that Pakistan canescape larger war , it must either mediate or decide which side it will takebut best is to mediate for benefit of all . That is always beneficial for all . This looming war is not Iraq Iran war where Pakistan will be able to keep aloof from as a war in Afghanistan is also in card and Iran as usual is on the other side and our Baluchistan is not quiet too . We Pakistanis have a stake in getting peace in Syria rather than get Sunni -Shia Mega clash to erupt . Both saudia and Iran have access to nuclear material . Soviets in guise of friends of Iran will love to get Strait of Hormuz closed by radioactivity for example as that will make them sole source of oil for Europe and also remove Muslim threat due to collapse of Muslim finance in that case . Iran definitely needs a new supreme leader to guide it to peace for itself and others . A change in Saudia to a younger leadership is also needed .
King Abdullah has been head of this or that in Saudia since 1962.
Syria is perhaps the fourth country after Iraq, Afghanistanand Lebanon where efforts of these two lobbies in support of one or the other party haveled to country's full or partial destruction .
Syria is a Sunni majority country but large scale refugeeissue means that it is on the way to a demographic change permanently ifinternational community does not step in. It is so unfortunate that Assad Regimeis bombarding its own country even Damascus which means that its populace doesnot want him . He and his father have already ruled this country since 1970 andbelong to a sect unknown to Pakistanis called Alawites.This offcourse is an unofficial monarchy of the minority sect .
The role of Iran and Khamenei in Syria conflict is notrespectable at all . Instead of helping both sides to the conflict for a truce, Hizbollah and Iranian revolutionary guards have involved themselves in aserious conflict with claims of atrocities on their part by local populace .
It is not good for Iranian religious leadership to involveitself so intimately with a regime whose standing in trial in Hague for crimesagainst humanity is just a matter of time. If Syria battle enlarges thenIranian Islamic revolution itself might get threatened as this is going to be amega war and Iran is no match for Turkey and Saudia combined .
Mullahs of both sides , be it Saudia and Iran both live in apast world and there is nothing which give Iranian Mullahs or Khameeni any airof modernity or acceptability if they keep on destroying country after countryon trivial power sharing issues.
What is most shocking is that Bashara Assad who has a Sunniwife and who is a UK educated doctor would involve himself with such a sillyand bloody struggle and become an instrument of mullahs of Iran despite beingeducated .
Where is OIC , cannot it save the people of Syria . ShouldPakistan not condemn Gas attack in Damascus . There is no way that Pakistan canescape larger war , it must either mediate or decide which side it will takebut best is to mediate for benefit of all . That is always beneficial for all . This looming war is not Iraq Iran war where Pakistan will be able to keep aloof from as a war in Afghanistan is also in card and Iran as usual is on the other side and our Baluchistan is not quiet too . We Pakistanis have a stake in getting peace in Syria rather than get Sunni -Shia Mega clash to erupt . Both saudia and Iran have access to nuclear material . Soviets in guise of friends of Iran will love to get Strait of Hormuz closed by radioactivity for example as that will make them sole source of oil for Europe and also remove Muslim threat due to collapse of Muslim finance in that case . Iran definitely needs a new supreme leader to guide it to peace for itself and others . A change in Saudia to a younger leadership is also needed .